how many languages are spoken in ethiopia pdf

Nilo-Saharan Language Family. China Cantonese tends to be spoken by people from Hong Kong region. It is the second-most spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic, and the official working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. has become the most widely spoken Cushitic language in the world. PDF ETHIOPIA - Ethiopia - The World Factbook Amharic is also spoken by over 40,000 people in Israel. Addis Ababa is Ethiopia's capital city. Top spoken languages are Afro-Asiatic languages like Oromo (33.8% of the population), Amharis (29.3%), Somali (6.25%), Tigrinya (5.86%) and Sidamo (4.04%). Of all the Cushitic languages, Oromo has the largest number of speakers. With the exception of Semitic, all branches of the Afroаsiatic family are spoken exclusively on the African continent. Tigrinya is also spoken by many immigrant communities around the world,for example in the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Germany . Population: estimated to be over 33 million (BOFED, July 2014); Administrative structure: It is divided in to 18 zones, 16 town administrations and 304 districts. It includes ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, and Aramaic, as well as the great Nigerian language Hausa. If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. 2) Bengali. Bates in 1979 stated that, the Oromo as an ancientrace, the indigenous stock, Though it is the official language of Ethiopia, only about 29% of the population speak Amharic, compared to the approximately 34% who speak Oromo. Tigrinya is one of the nine languages in Eritrea. Today, the Mehri language is at risk of extinction. It is spoken by around 9.7 crore people in India that is around 8% of the total population of India. The most spoken languages in the world can be split into 9 language families: Indo-European has 42 distinct languages such as English, Hindi, Spanish, French, Bengali, Russian, Portuguse, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Afrikaans, Bavarian, Czech, and more. Languages. The object of inquiry in linguistics is human language, in particular the extent and limits of diversity in the world's languages.One might suppose, therefore, that linguists would have a clear and reasonably precise notion of how many languages there are in the world. Ethiopia is the third most populous African country and harbours more than 80 different languages exactly how many languages there are in a country is as much a political as a linguistic issue; the count of languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea together thus differs from 70 up to 420, depending on the source; Ge'ez is the ancient language, and was introduced as an official written language during the first Aksumite kingdom when the Sabeans sought refuge in Aksum. More than 80 languages and 200 dialects are spoken throughout the country. The Semitic languages most widely spoken today are Arabic, Amharic, Hebrew, and Tigrinya. In Ethiopia, Negash (2011) cites an interview conducted with a Ugandan Academic in Addis . Because of this long tardiness, CERD will review Ethiopia without Ethiopia's actual participation. The major religion in Ethiopia is Christianity. Amheric is spoken by approximately 31% of the countries population. Other indigenous languages in Oman that are at risk of extinction are Harsusi from central Oman, Bathari from south-east Oman and Hobyot at Oman's borders with Yemen. The Oromo language, also known as Afaan Oromo. Sri Lanka. Addis Ababa or Addis Abeba is the capital of Ethiopia and the African Union. When Ethiopia officially annexed Eritrea in 1962, Amharic also formally replaced Tigrinya and Arabic; and was established as . Amharic is an official language spoken in Ethiopia, but it is also found in Egypt and Eritrea, as well as in Israel, Sweden, […] In Ethiopia and Eritrea there are approximately eighty languages spoken by nearly 100 million people, the majority of which belong to three families of the Afro-asiatic phylum, namely, Semitic in the center, north and west, Cushitic in the east and south and Omotic in the southwest. The diversity of Africa's languages is evidenced by their populations. Language List by Country and Place Adapted from Improving the use of translation and interpreting services: A guide to Victorian Government policy and procedures, Victorian Office of Multicultural Affairs, 2003.This is not an exhaustive list. There are many dialects of Oromo - not all of them understandable by speakers of other dialects - which tend to borrow words from neighbouring languages. have implemented such strong English language policies (2006). Amharic is the government's official language and a widely used lingua franca, but as of 2007, only 29% of the population reported speaking Amharic as their main language.Oromo is spoken by over a third of the population as their main language and is the most widely spoken primary language in Ethiopia. Cardinal. Map 2: Colonial Languages. Though only one of seventy or so languages spoken in Ethi-opia, Amharic has been the language of the court and the dominant population group in Highland Ethiopia. Ethiopia's substantive breaches of its obligations under These ethnic groups have their own way of clothing, hair styles, songs, dances and arts Ethiopians have unique calendar, and unique alphabet. to the 1994 census Amharic is the most commonly spoken language in Ethiopia. How many languages are there in the world? Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Origins of the Most Spoken Languages. The new Ethiopia is known as a country of mosaic of cultures. It is estimated that Amharic is the language of some 2.7 million emigrants outside Ethiopia. The city had a status of the chartered city in 1886 and has a surface area of 527 square kilometers and a population of 3,384,569. Some regions had more than one European country that claimed them at various points in . Unlock this profile with an Essentials plan.. See the details on every language spoken in Ethiopia, plus: Profiles for every other country in the world; 7,464 profiles covering every language in use today This early system consisted of three tones on syllables ending in a long vowel or a semi-vowel. The fifth most widely spoken language in Africa (25 million native and 3 million emigrants), Amharic is the second-largest Semitic dialect on the continent after Arabic and mainly spoken in Ethiopia. The major religion in Ethiopia is Christianity. The language is a national language and the most widely spoken in the country, with about 93% of the population using the language. It was one of Eritrea's official languages (along with Arabic) during the short-lived federation with Ethiopia (1952-1962). The preservation of these languages is very important to some. About 142 individual . The many dialects of Arabic alone are spoken by as many as 200 million people. The following is a list of the 50 languages along with the region in which they are spoken, in which the Holy Quran is available in complete. It is a widely spoken language in Eritrea and in the northern part of Ethiopia. How to count in Amharic (ኣማርኛ), a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea. There are between 45 and 86 languages spoken in Ethiopia. Sinhala (official and national language) 74%, Tamil (national language) 18%, other 8%; note: English is commonly used in government and is spoken competently by about 10% of the population. The numerals 1, 2, 3 etc are used elsewhere. Ge'ez was spoken during the Axum Kingdom. This region is found between Baro and Akobo rivers. This also isn't comprehensive with . The Only and Best Way to Quickly Learn the Wolaita Language Other Known Names: Welaita, Wolaita, Wolaitta, Wolataita, Wolayta. Amharic is also spoken by 40,000 people in Israel as well as people in Egypt and Sweden. Ethiopia's national language is Amharic, but there are over 82 languages and 200 dialects, or variations, spoken in the country. South Africa, for example, has 11 different official languages, and even more languages and dialects are spoken in the country. In Gambella, the dominant religion is protestant about 70% of the people. The other major religions present in Ethiopia are Islam and Judaism. This is a major language group, with 240 languages and 250 million speakers. Amharic—Is the national language of Ethiopia and is spoken by around 12 million people as their mother-tongue and by many more as a second language. Ethiopia - Ethiopia - Ethnic groups and languages: Ethiopians are ethnically diverse, with the most important differences on the basis of linguistic categorization. It means "white flower" and, at 2,400 m above sea level, it is the 4th highest capital city in the world. Introduction to African Languages. Thus, it has official status and is used nationwide. It is a widely spoken language in Eritrea and in the northern part of Ethiopia. Arabic was ranked the 5th most spoken language in the world by research group Ethnologue, with over 240 million speakers worldwide. Tigrinya is spoken by about 7 million people around the world. Amharic. Amharic is a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia. Amharic uses a writing system called Ge'ez script, which is an ancient alphasyllabary used by several Semitic languages of Ethiopia.Ge'ez is a language of ancient Ethiopia and the precursor of Semitic languages in Ethiopia and Eritrea. There are multiple ethnicities and a number of different languages spoken in Ethiopia, which means adopting a certain approach to different regions is crucial. 41 of the living languages are institutional, 14 are developing, 18 are vigorous, 8 are in danger of extinction, and 5 are near extinction. For example, the Oromo of Ethiopia may borrow Amharic words. Ethiopia: English in Ethiopia. The fifth most widely spoken language in Africa (25 million native and 3 million emigrants), Amharic is the second-largest Semitic dialect on the continent after Arabic and mainly spoken in Ethiopia. The Afaan Oromo speakers, Oromos, have had a remarkable history. In the city where 80 different languages are spoken, there are Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities. There are a lot languages in the world. If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. Country Language Afghanistan Pashtu, Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi, other Turkic and minor Bates in 1979 stated that, the Oromo as an ancientrace, the indigenous stock, Tigrinya is a language that was spoken that is like Ge'ez. The Yoruba language is a major language in Nigeria. Amheric is spoken by approximately 31% of the countries population. Ethiopia. In Africa, there are more than 100 million speakers, with Egypt accounting for more than 54 million. Ethiopia's 78.25 million residents collectively speak up to 90 languages, and English is only spoken by 0.22% of them (171,712 people). Besides, in the west and southwest, a number of languages belong to various families of the Nilo . Under the 2005 Constitution of Sudan, Arabic and English are the official languages, as well as the working languages of the national government, with all the indigenous languages to be respected and considered as national languages that need to be developed and promoted by all the Sudanese people. There are more Oromo speakers abroad than the resident population in Ethiopia. It is an official language in Ethiopia and is also spoken in Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti. These ethnic groups have their own way of clothing, hair styles, songs, dances and arts Ethiopians have unique calendar, and unique alphabet. In Oromia state, in Ethiopia, it is the official language used in courts, schools and administration (Demie 1996). Amharic is a Semitic language, and comes in right behind Arabic as the most spoken Semitic language. Being an official language, Kinyarwanda is used as a medium of instruction in Rwandan institutions, administration, in media, and commerce for daily business transactions. from a national language, which is a "language spoken by a large part of the population of a country, 5 which may or may not be designated an official language" (UNESCO, 2013). tigrenya was also spoken by a small group of people that weren't Axum. Investment Administration and Promotional Strategy of the Region • Amhara in Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti (ca. According to the Ethiopian census of 2007, the first languages and the largest are the Oromo with about 24,930,424 of the population speaking the language which is equivalent to 33.8% and the Amharic with 21,634,396 users which is equivalent to 29.3% of the country's population. It is spoken by over 17 million people in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked (since 1991) country in the world located in the horn of. A complete language description contains the following elements. In Oromia state, in Ethiopia, it is the official language used in courts, schools and administration (Demie 1996). The new Ethiopia is known as a country of mosaic of cultures. Arabic was ranked the 5th most spoken language in the world by research group Ethnologue, with over 240 million speakers worldwide. Some languages do not come from a protolanguage. Today, although there are many dialects that are spoken throughout Ethiopia, including Tigrinya, Oromiffa/Affan Oromo, Amharic is the most popular and widely used. Map 2 (found below) shows languages that were introduced to Africa when Africa was colonized by European countries. (major foreign language taught in school). One of the most spoken Semitic languages in Africa, Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia. The one language that generated those other languages in its family is known as a protolanguage. The principle languages on the continent include Arabic, French and English. Wolaytegna Language/Wolaita Language/Wolaytigna Language. Bengali is the second most spoken language of India and is known as Bangla. Languages in Sudan. After the thirteenth century, as the remains of Latin were making the metamorphoses into the romance languages, spoken Ge'ez also split into many closely related tongues, mainly Tigriña in the Many ethnic groups and nations of Sub-Saharan Africa qualify, although some groups are of a size larger than a tribal society. These . It existed between the 1st Century A.D. and the 6th Century A.D. . Standard Mandarin is the official language in the largest part of mainland China and Taiwan, and is spoken by one of the four people in Singapore. Ethiopia acceded to the ICERD on 23 June 1976 and the ICERD entered into force on 23 July 1976.11 However, Ethiopia now owes the CERD its periodic reports from 1989-2006. In Africa, there are more than 100 million speakers, with Egypt accounting for more than 54 million. The people of Wolayta are mainly located in the SNNPR or the Southern . More than 62 million people can speak Amharic . The term Sidamo has also been used by some authors to refer to increased recently. Being a native language, Amharic is one of the very few languages having its own alphabet, while most others use Arabic or Latin letters. 2. The Oromo language is spoken by 38.6 million people, who are 34.4 % of the population of Ethiopia. Note: the Ge'ez numerals (፩, ፪, ፫, etc) are only used in the Orthodox and Catholic churches. It is also used as the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.. Ge'ez script descended from the Ancient South . According to the 1994 census Amharic is the most commonly spoken language in Ethiopia. On syllables ending in "p," "t" or "k," or in a glottal stop after a short vowel, a forth tone existed, althrough these syllables showed . having its own language (or dialect of a language) and culture. It is a Sino-Tibetan language, meaning that it has many similar characteristics and has derived its grammar from the Tibetan language. These are known as language isolates, and include languages, such as Basque, spoken by some in . 7 March 2015. Castilian Spanish (official) 74%, Catalan 17%, Galician 7%, Basque 2%, are official regionally. Getachew Dires May 7, 2019 Language Policy of Ethiopia. ; Afro-Asiatic is made of 15 languages which includes 12 different . It is a native language for over 27 million people in Ethiopia. Over 100,000 people use it as a second language. One of these is . The script is known as fidäl meaning letter or alphabet and is used for religious use . It is an Indian-Aryan language that is mostly spoken in South Asia including various states of India. Some languages also make changes to the root word Cushitic languages have displayed 3 cases: nominative, absolutive, and possessive Although many Cushitic languages are still spoken, many have become very endangered overtime. Also known as Sharchokpa, Tshang language is typically spoken by 170,000 people in the eastern part of the country. Language: Afan Oromo is the official language while Amharic, English & Arabic are also widely spoken. The main areas that speak this language are Oyo, Osun, Kwara, Ogun, Ondo, and Lagos states and some parts of Kogi State. Tigrinya is spoken by about 7 million people around the world. It follows another list of 114 languages (along with their regions), in which selected verses of the Holy Quran are available. has become the most widely spoken Cushitic language in the world. The Nilo-Saharan language family includes 204 extremely diverse languages spoken by roughly 35 million people in the interior of northern Africa, including the greater Nile basin and its tributaries, as well as the central region of the Sahara desert.. Scholars have argued for over 100 years about the best way to classify Nilo-Saharan languages. Spain. More than 80 languages and 200 dialects are spoken throughout the country. The principle languages on the continent include Arabic, French and English. Most African countries have many different official languages. The Wolaita language is spoken by about 3.5 million Ethiopians and is classified as Omotic. The Nilo-Saharan language family includes 204 extremely diverse languages spoken by roughly 35 million people in the interior of northern Africa, including the greater Nile basin and its tributaries, as well as the central region of the Sahara desert.. Scholars have argued for over 100 years about the best way to classify Nilo-Saharan languages. Stephen R. Anderson. The Reporter (Addis Ababa) By Miette Thoma. Tigrinya is also spoken by many immigrant communities around the world,for example in the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Germany . Oromo language is a Cushitic language spoken by more than about 50 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Egypt and is the 3rd largest language in Africa. When a language is spoken in more than one country, Ethnologue designates one of the countries as primary, usually the country of origin. Ethiopia is a mosaic of about 100 languages that can be classified into four groups. Tigrinya is LIKE Ge'ez…BUT DOES NOT COME FROM GE'EZ. Walking the streets of Addis Ababa, one can hear many different languages being spoken. As the official language of Ethiopia, Amharic (also known as Abyssinian, Amarigna, Amarinya, Amhara, and Ethiopian) is spoken by more than 25 million people in Ethiopia and an additional 4 million emigrants abroad.. Amharic is the day-to-day language of the courts, business, and daily life throughout the country; and has been since the 12 th century. The vast majority of languages belong to the Semitic, Cushitic, or Omotic groups, all part of the Afro-Asiatic language family. This is about 29.3% of the total population of both urban and rural parts of Ethiopia. In Eritrea it is a working language in offices along with Arabic. Numbers in Amharic. LING 515. Tigrinya is a Semitic language spoken in Eritrea and in the Tigray Region of Northern Ethiopia. Kumzari, too, is spoken in the country. Amharic has been spoken in Ethiopia since the late 12th century in various industries including the legal system, commerce, communications, the military and religion.. It is also the working language of the Amhara, Addis Ababa, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambela regions of Ethiopia.. Records from the 14th century in form of poems and songs indicate the language has been in use for centuries, with most noteworthy literature in the language having been created around the . (major foreign language taught in school). exist as a spoken language in Ethiopia, followed a century or two after, by the death of Latin in Europe. The Afaan Oromo speakers, Oromos, have had a remarkable history. It is also spoken in the north-eastern states of India by 11,000 people and Tibet by 7,000 people. However, it mostly varies in terms of usage, words, pronunciation, and phonetic form in the Indian states. Answer (1 of 16): Amharic is a language that comes directly from Ge'ez. A language family is a group of different languages that all descend from a particular common language. Ethiopia has 86 different languages with up to 200 different dialects spoken. Sri Lanka. Africa bordered b y six . Being a native language, Amharic is one of the very few languages having its alphabet, while most others use Arabic or Latin letters. Other languages in Ethiopia are spoken in rural areas throughout . The Semitic languages are Afro-Asiatic languages that took the name "Semitic" from the Biblical Shem, the son of Noah. Nilo-Saharan Language Family. The Most Widely Spoken Languages Of Ethiopia . Is English spoken in Ethiopia? Ethnologue, the biggest authority on languages on the web, estimates that there are over 7,000 spoken languages in the world. The other major religions present in Ethiopia are Islam and Judaism. Download this document as a pdf. Religion: Ethiopia is a platform for many different religions, beliefs and practices from time in memorial. Ethiopia is a diverse country without an official national language, where Amharic has been the country's federal working language and regional states have been left to make their own choices.. 20 million) In Eritrea it is a working language in offices along with Arabic. Of the languages spoken in Ethiopia, 91 are living and 1 is extinct. When the power base of Ethiopia shifted from Axum to Amhara between the 10th Century A.D. and the 12th Century A.D., the use of the Amharic language spread its influence, hence becoming the national language. Amharic possesses many of the language qualities from the Axum Empire. In Gambella, there are five main languages spoken by the people. 2. A whole lot. In addition, people from all walks of life speak Amharic totalling an estimated 30.3 million speakers. Oromo (official working language in the State of Oromiya) 33.8%, Amharic (official national language) 29.3%, Somali (official working language of the State of Sumale) 6.2%, Tigrigna (Tigrinya) (official working language of the State of Tigray) 5.9%, Sidamo 4%, Wolaytta 2.2%, Gurage 2%, Afar (official working language of the State of Afar) 1.7%, Hadiyya 1.7%, Gamo 1.5%, Gedeo 1.3% . Ethiopia's multi-faceted culture and history presents many obstacles for growing your business, but recent figures suggest that a period of consolidation has created a modern market. It uses a system taken from the Ge'ez script which serves as an abugida for various languages in the spoken area of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Most of the people speak Nuer around 40% and also there exist Anuak, Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Majang speakers. Though English is listed as an official language in these countries, many people may not speak English. Religion: Ethiopia is a platform for many different religions, beliefs and practices from time in memorial. Amharic speakers encompass 32.7% of Ethiopia's population. The Yoruba language is now spoken by about 21 million people (18.9 million - the first language and 2 million as second) in Nigeria. During this time, several European countries took control of territories in Africa that they claimed for themselves. The number includes both the young and old generations. Numeral. larger groupings of East . With anywhere between 1000 and 2000 languages, Africa is home to approximately one-third of the world's languages. An Iranian language, it is spoken in northern Oman and has less than 5,000 speakers. Charles A. Ferguson proposed the Ethiopian language area, characterized by shared grammatical and phonological features in 1976. Many wereare the other languages spoken in southwestern Ethiopia.

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