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battle of idlib 2020

[247] In turn, rebel fighters reportedly recaptured the villages of San and Ma'arat Alia west of Saraqib. [159][160] Turkey's president Erdogan described the attack on Turkish forces a "turning point in Syria for Turkey". [153][154][155] Turkey said it had carried out retaliation strikes south of Saraqib, and witnesses reported artillery shelling and one F16 entering Syrian airspace. [208] Meanwhile, Turkish media reported that a 100-vehicle convoy of reinforcements, including troops, tanks and other military vehicles and equipment, had been deployed to the Idlib area. [81], On 5 March 2020, a meeting took place between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin in which they agreed on a ceasefire beginning on 6 March that established a six-kilometer secure corridor along the M4 Highway. Following the air bombing campaign and after the 14th round of negotiations in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan ended a few days prior without any definitive ceasefire agreement, ground fighting resumed on 18 December, reportedly due to the opposition's refusal to accept new Russian terms regarding control of Idlib. [148] There was an HTS counter-offensive in Al-Zahraa in Aleppo governorate, in which several Local Defense Force (LDF) pro-government militia fighters were reported killed. Here are three key takeaways that highlight what the recent battle for Idlib province tells us about warfare in this new decade. According to SOHR, by 26 January, Russia had conducted 78 airstrikes targeting front lines around Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, south of Aleppo, and in the western countryside while Syrian helicopters reportedly deployed 52 barrel bombs in rural areas. [119], The government offensive was condemned by world leaders, including United States president Donald Trump, who tweeted that "Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands of innocent civilians in Idlib province. [231][232] However, the Russian state news agency reported that the Turkish Ministry of Defence had denied this. [354] Opposition sources also reported SNA gains in Western Aleppo. [230], Before the clashes, Turkey reportedly asked the United States to deploy two Patriot surface-to-air missile systems on the Syria–Turkey border to deter Russian forces. [217] Turkish commandos were also reported to have been operating alongside rebels in the assault on the town. [351] Meanwhile, Russia claimed opposition elements injured themselves while attempting to deploy chemical weapons in Saraqib. [173], On 10 February, Syrian government forces shelled a recently built Turkish observation post at Taftanaz Military Airbase, killing five Turkish soldiers, according to the Turkish Defense Ministry. [338] A Turkish fighter jet downed a Syrian Aero L-39 Albatros over Idlib; the pilot of the aircraft managed to eject and Syrian Army units immediately began a ground search to rescue him. According to a Syrian army source, the air force was temporarily grounded because of limited visibility. [29], On 23 December, the Syrian army advanced further, completely surrounding the Turkish observation point near Sarman[110] and capturing Jarjnaz, considered the largest town in the eastern countryside of Ma'arrat al-Nu'man. [182][213][214][199], On 19 February, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that a Turkish intervention in Idlib was just "a matter of time". [378], On 12 March, in an apparent ceasefire violation, SOHR reported that the SAA and allies entered the settlements of Maarrat Mukhas and al-Burayj in southern Idlib without any resistance. This is a quick update on the recent developments in Idlib and Aleppo and the offensive of the Syrian Army against the Islamist terrorists there. [301] Pro-opposition sources said Turkish-backed rebels captured a further seven towns on the Zawiya mountain front[302] while Turkish media reported that nine villages were recaptured by the Syrian National Army in the first 24 hours of the new phase of the operation, naming Anqawi, al-Qahira, Al-Manara and Tal Zajran villages in the Hama countryside and Al-Halluba, Qoqfin, Kafr Avid, Sfuhan and Fattara in southern Idlib, destroying at least three SAA tanks and killing at least 46 government soldiers. [185][186][180] A report on a Russian TV channel showed 25th Special Mission Forces Division troops, apparently wearing UNICEF backpacks distributed as relief supplies, entering Kafr Halab;[187] The Daily Telegraph reported the troops were deliberately shooting elderly civilians there. [140], Government forces also advanced towards Aleppo's western suburbs to push rebels away from the city. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. [205], On 16 February, pro-government forces achieved a major breakthrough on the Aleppo front by capturing more than 30 villages, towns and suburbs in the west Aleppo countryside in a single day amidst a sudden collapse in rebel defense lines. HTS and its allies claimed to recapture Abu Jurayf in a counterattack that killed more than ten Syrian troops, due to the SAA failing to secure the town after initially storming it. [348] According to SOHR, four Turkish soldiers were killed and seven wounded,[349] while reported that the attack killed 12 and injured eight Turkish soldiers. [106] Russia reported that 17 Syrian soldiers were killed. [290][291] The UN Secretary-General called for an immediate ceasefire and was backed by 13 UN Security Council members, but Russia and China vetoed the measure. [347] cited pro-government social media reports of a Turkish attack on Syrian Army positions in retaliation for pro-government forces bombing Turkish positions in rebel-held al-Tarnaba and al-Mastumah near Nayrab, west of Saraqib, with over 60 missiles, including OTR-21 Tochka TBMs. [381], On 19 March, two Turkish soldiers were killed and a third was wounded by an attack carried out by radical groups in Idlib, according to the Turkish Ministry of Defense. [297][308] The Chief of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria said that the Russian task force in Syria could not guarantee the safety of Turkish aircraft's flights over Syria. The Syrian government said Israel intended to "save the armed terrorist organisations which ha[d] been collapsing in Idlib and western Aleppo Governorate in front of the strikes of the Syrian Army". [388], The offensive has been characterised by indiscriminate aerial bombing and shelling of civilian homes, mainly either by Russian planes, taking off from the Russian base in Latakia, or by government jets flying from Kuweires Military Aviation Institute, 18 miles east of Aleppo.

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