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joe biden sahara

Sahara : Joe Biden peut-il revenir sur la décision de Donald Trump ? This is what happens when dilettantes handle U.S. diplomacy, and it is sadly typical of Trump’s nakedly transactional approach during his tenure. His family searched for him in the hospitals and police stations but there was no sign of him until his body appeared twenty-two days later at the morgue, in a state of advanced decomposition. The Polisario did not abandon its war against Morocco for a “peace process,” but for a referendum. A Sahrawi woman holds a Sahara flag More than two dozen US senators from both major parties have called on President Joe Biden to reverse Washington's recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara - … Joe Biden Should Quit Stalling and Reverse Trump’s Colonial Handover of Western Sahara, Get a $20 discounted print subscription today, How Bernie Sanders, an Open Socialist, Won Burlington’s Mayoral Election, Ronald Reagan Paved the Way for Donald Trump, Revisiting the Life and Intellectual Legacy of Primo Levi, After Trump’s Colonial Carve-Up, Western Sahara Has Risen Up, Donald Trump Has Just Traded Western Sahara Like a Victorian Colonialist. Staggering surges and new variants are imperiling leaders from Nepal to Brazil. Since the move, the Saharawi population has faced intense military repression — yet the Biden administration refuses to say whether it will reverse Trump's colonial handover of the territory. With the increased police and military presence on the streets, the cities of Western Sahara now resemble a giant military barracks. At a Friday press briefing, State Department deputy spokesperson Jaline Porter said on the matter that “when it comes to Western Sahara, we are consulting privately with parties on how to best halt the violence there… Detained separately on the streets of the capital, El Aaiún, with no warrant or any explanation given, they were taken to their respective homes where the police broke down the doors and terrorized their families. Republican Sen. James Inhofe was exactly right when he said in a Senate floor speech on Dec. 10 that Trump “could have made this deal without trading away the rights of this voiceless people.” Inhofe is one of the few U.S. experts on Western Sahara, built up through years of service on both the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services, which he now chairs. One of Donald Trump's last decisions in office was a squalid diplomatic deal with Morocco, granting US recognition of its occupation of Western Sahara in exchange for Moroccan recognition of Israel. Outgoing President Donald Trump’s Dec. 11 proclamation that the United States would recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara marked yet another low for his administration. As Miguel Urbán, a left-wing member of the European Parliament, notes, Morocco’s occupation regime is “being paid for by the Saharawi’s own resources … with the territory being turned into a Wild West for multinationals — in which anything goes.”. Our new issue, “The Ruling Class,” is out now. But what Morocco has actually agreed to remains unclear; Rabat denies it will open anything more than a “liaison office” in Israel (which it did in the 1990s), or that its deal actually involves full diplomatic relations. Un camouflet qui s’ajoute au déshonneur d’avoir trahi la cause palestinienne. Lors d’un entretien téléphonique, Joe Biden a réitéré «le soutien américain à la récente normalisation des relations entre Israël et les pays dans le mot arabe Morocco may gag at this option, but it has little choice but to accept it if the United States insists on it. With the original deal broken, and Morocco for three decades evincing no intention of accepting a referendum, why keep a U.N. peacekeeping operation on perpetual life support? during a demonstration in Navarra denouncing the occupation of Western Sahara and the repression suffered by the Sahrawi people. There should be no outcome acceptable to Washington that is not approved by the Sahrawis in an internationally conducted, free, and fair vote—with a yes-or-no choice on full independence on the ballot. Sultana Jaya, is another prominent activist who has already spent more than a hundred days under house arrest. Before war broke out on November 13, Western Sahara was listed as the seventh least-free territory in the world in Freedom House’s annual ranking — just one point above North Korea. One obvious option, therefore, is to terminate MINURSO, and return to the status quo ante of open hostilities. In the following report for Jacobin, Ahmed Ettanji (cofounder of one of the few media organizations operating out of the occupied territories, Equipe Media) explains how Trump’s recognition of Moroccan sovereignty, was seen by the occupying forces as giving “the green light” to ramp up repression against civilians. ), Nonetheless, Morocco has spent nearly three decades preventing the referendum from taking place. A post-inauguration bipartisan agreement between Biden and Inhofe could repair the disarray caused by Trump’s gratuitous grandstanding. Where, then, does Trump’s reckless and unnecessary move leave President-elect Joe Biden and the foreign governments most directly interested in the Western Sahara? Biden must now revoke Trump’s disastrous decision, so that he can reengage the United States in a search for a permanent resolution to the conflict through such a referendum. Now the Biden administration must weigh whether to reverse Trump’s decision on Western Sahara. Historical background and future ramifications? Meanwhile the stories illustrating the violence of the occupation have multiplied in recent weeks. If Morocco won’t accept a referendum, it doesn’t deserve a cease-fire or a false “peace process.”. Biden explained that trans people “still face systemic barriers to freedom and equality,” such as higher rates of violence, harassment and discrimination. US President Joe Biden has reportedly decided not to reverse his predecessor’s controversial decision to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara … Together with France and other Security Council allies, it has tried, unfortunately with some success, to blur Resolution 690’s referendum commitment. Western Sahara’s strategic importance is primarily related to its mineral wealth, along with other natural resources such as fisheries. If they choose not to say anything, they should remain silent bystanders and avoid compounding Trump’s mistake. Biden Can Backtrack on Trump’s Move in Western Sahara Labeling the Polisario Front a separatist insurgency rather than anti-occupation movement sets a dangerous precedent. How Colonialism and Austerity Are Shaping Africa’s Response to the Coronavirus. Secret Israeli-Moroccan contacts have been commonplace since. Haddi was arrested in the aftermath of the bloody suppression of the Gdeim Izik protest camp in 2010, which saw Moroccan security forces storm the site on the outskirts of El Aaiún where five thousand Saharawis had been encamped for more than a month. envoy. But make no mistake, the Polisario is at a crucial juncture. À lire Donald Trump reconnaît la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara occidental. Secretary General António Guterres’s statement following Trump’s announcement, for example, called for preserving the 1991 cease-fire, but spoke only about a “resumption of the peace process.”, If Morocco won’t accept a referendum, it doesn’t deserve a cease-fire or a false “peace process.”, This is a pathetic—and authoritative—admission of 30 years of U.N. failure. Catalyst, a new journal published by Jacobin, is out now. When Spain’s colonial rule collapsed with Francisco Franco’s 1975 death, and after an initial conflict between Mauritania and Morocco, the Polisario-Moroccan military hostilities left the territory partitioned and its status unresolved. Une position qui a été confirmée […] Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. This will not be easy, given the expectations—misguided though they are—already built up in Rabat and Jerusalem. His family now fears for his life — with his mother making the near-thousand-mile journey from El Aaiún to the Tiflet 2 prison last Monday. Joe Biden, successeur du président Donald Trump à la Maison-Blanche, a la possibilité d’annuler l’annonce de la proclamation de la reconnaissance de la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara occidental, mais doute que le nouveau président le fasse. The U.S. and Moroccan and flags beside a State Department-authorized map of Morocco, including disputed Western Sahara, in Rabat on Dec. 12. It is perfectly appropriate for a nation to modify its responsibilities in light of changed national-security circumstances, but it is quite another to gratuitously destroy a commitment, with no consultation, just to make a so-called deal in a completely separate context. For now, there is no way to tell whether this is likely, or what the outcome might be. Rabat had argued that losing the Western Sahara referendum would destabilize its monarchy, and the State Department’s bureaucrats lapped it up. A 1991 cease-fire between Morocco and the Polisario Front (the main Saharawi pro-independence movement) broke down in November after Moroccan troops broke the terms of the agreement by entering the buffer zone along the Mauritanian border to violently remove peaceful protesters blocking a highway. Despite the "inauguration" in January of a US consulate in Dakhla by the Trump administration, no American diplomats have arrived to take up their posts there, nor has any work been carried out to make the … Sahara : Le Maroc rassuré après le soutien de Biden aux accords de normalisation d'Israël. Our new issue is out now. Whatever Morocco does in response to a new Biden policy that reaffirms Western Sahara’s status quo will affect Israel only slightly. Sujet clos. Un ancien président brésilien souligne dans une lettre à Joe Biden l’importance de la reconnaissance de la marocanité du Sahara pour une solution durable Publié le 09/03/2021 par Ali Haidar L’ancien président brésilien, Fernando Collor De Mello a souligné, dans une lettre adressée récemment au président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, Security forces then beat his mother and sister, before confiscating their cell phones. DR But this standoff is far from over. Fully weighing all the merits and equities involved in complex international scenarios is not his style. While Biden and his advisors formulate their own policy, they can lay down a marker that Trump’s about-face is under review, insisting in the meantime that a referendum is still a prerequisite before the United States will consider the Western Sahara issue resolved. Johannesburg, 14 fev 2021 (SPS) Le président américain, Joe Biden, a beaucoup à perdre "s'il n'annule pas" la décision de son prédécesseur Donald Trump concernant la reconnaissance de la prétendue souveraineté marocaine sur le Sahara occidental, a indiqué dimanche Shannon Ebrahim, du Groupe Foreign Editor pour Independent Media (Afrique du sud). The underlying idea is that the recent US recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara has not only set a legal and diplomatic precedent; it has also created a new normal that Biden … In Donald Trump’s final months in office he arranged a series of “diplomatic quid pro quos” through which the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco established diplomatic relations with Israel. In a mass trial with eighteen other Saharawis, he was sentenced by a military court to twenty-five years imprisonment – to be served in the Moroccan jail Tiflet 2, thirty miles outside Rabat. In fact, a major cease-fire violation occurred last month, so serious that many believed full military hostilities might resume. It is perfectly appropriate for a nation to modify its responsibilities in light of changed national-security circumstances, but it is quite another to gratuitously destroy a commitment, with no consultation, just to make a so-called deal in a completely separate context. He still has the ability to pressure Morocco to guarantee human rights, social justice, and the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination. Biden, of course, will have a few other things on his mind on Jan. 20 apart from Western Sahara. In this way he could, at essentially no cost to Israel—for which the Western Sahara is a non-issue—add to his political capital with Biden for issues that really matter, like taking on the threat posed by Iran. Rabat has offered a variety of so-called autonomy proposals, not one of which has ever come close to being acceptable to the Polisario, proposing a referendum on incorporation versus “autonomy.” To the Sahrawi, this is a take it or leave it proposition, and has therefore always been unacceptable. These states should all insist that the Western Sahara’s future should not be shuffled aside, a development that only benefits Morocco, given its de facto control over the bulk of the territory. Ironically, Trump’s insouciance gave the State Department bureaucracy exactly what it has wanted since Resolution 690 first encountered stiff Moroccan resistance within months of its adoption nearly three decades ago. Neoliberalism Offers Nothing But Subordination. There are other obstacles. His casual approach to notching one more ostensible international victory raises significant problems of stability across the Maghreb. La lettre des représentants du peuple américain demande à Joe Biden de reconnaître officiellement l’illégitimité des allégations du Royaume du Maroc sur une quelconque souveraineté sur le Sahara occidental. Trump knows exactly how Inhofe feels about the Western Sahara; I was there in the Oval Office on May 1, 2019, when the Oklahoma senator explained his support for a referendum. Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have already freed Israel from the formal diplomatic isolation it faced for many years. Morocco is waiting to see Joe Biden’s position on the question of its sovereignty over Western Sahara before proceeding with the normalisation agreement with Israel, the Arabic Post reports. He is the author of The Room Where It Happened. Le ministre des affaires étrangères Nasser Bourita guette de plus en plus anxieusement les faits et gestes de Joe Biden sur le dossier du Sahara occidental. Joe Biden peut-il donc, en vertu des mêmes pouvoirs, retirer cette proclamation de reconnaissance. The United States agreed to sell F35 fighter jets and state-of-the-art drone technology worth $23 billion to UAE while Sudan saw itself removed from the list of states sponsoring terrorism. While Biden and his advisors formulate their own policy, they can … Biden, of course, will have a few other things on his mind on Jan. 20 apart from Western Sahara. To him, everything is a potential deal, viewed in very narrow terms through the attention span of a fruit fly. In 2007 she lost an eye after being attacked by Moroccan police, and recently received further head wounds after the police attacked her and her sister with stones when they tried to greet a small group of friends outside their home. Bouhala was brought to his home hooded and when the police found a Saharawi flag, they began to suffocate him with it until his mother tried to intervene and was violently restrained. Hostilities have so far largely been contained to artillery exchanges and skirmishes along the seventeen-hundred-mile defensive sand wall (or berm) that divides the territory, but the Polisario Front has carried out a number of successful raids from its base in neighboring Algeria. Unfortunately, the Sahrawis are not the first during Trump’s tenure to experience an assault on one U.S. undertaking after another, imperiling even long-standing formal U.S. alliances like NATO. John Bolton served as U.S. national security advisor from April 2018 to September 2019, and was U.S. ambassador to the U.N. in 2005-2006. The two activists appeared in front of a closed session of the Moroccan High Court in occupied El Aaiún on February 14 on trumped-up drug trafficking charges, which is a common tactic used with Saharawi activists as a means justify their arrests, and have now been transferred to the notorious Cárcel Negra (black prison) in the capital. Ahmed Ettanji is cofounder of Western Sahara's Equipe Media. Trump said he had never heard of Western Sahara, and Inhofe replied, “Oh, we spoke before, but you weren’t listening.”. Une liste de 27 sénateurs américains menés par le républicain Jim Inhofe et le démocrate Patrick Leahy a adressé une lettre ouverte au président des Etats-Unis Joe Biden afin qu’il revienne sur la décision prise par son prédécesseur Donald Trump de reconnaître la souveraineté du Maroc sur le Sahara occidental occupé. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have recently taken the plunge, and more could follow. In the two weeks since the Inauguration, President Biden has been silent on the Western Sahara issue. From the perspective of U.S. policy, the best outcome would be for Biden, once inaugurated, to reverse Trump’s acquiescence to Moroccan sovereignty. The European Union—especially Spain, the former colonial power, where support for the Sahrawi remains quite strong; and France, Morocco’s protector—could summon up a few words about self-determination to help move the process along. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken informed Morocco’s Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Bourita that President Joe Biden will uphold former President Trump’s Western Sahara recognition.

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