one planet summit 2021 participants
The One Planet Movement. The President of the European Commission announced that it could contribute more than €2.5 billion in its upcoming programming that is being prepared. A secretariat, attached to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), has been created to follow up on these commitments. The French President announced French support for the planting of 7,000 km of hedgerows by 2022, confirming the new impetus given to the agroecological transition in French agriculture under the national recovery plan. This Coalition will continue its efforts to bring on board other Mediterranean rim States, as well as regional and local actors, civil society and the private sector. On 11 January 2021, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET, the fourth One Planet Summit brought together decision-makers from around the world to accelerate international action for nature. D'importantes initiatives relatives aux financements en faveur de la biodiversité ont également été prises lors de cette rencontre. A new Coalition for an Exemplary Mediterranean in 2030 was launched today by France, Spain and the Principality of Monaco. Moreover, he announced the publication of the French Strategy for Protected Areas, in order to document the planned trajectory to achieving the goal. This principle was supported at the One Planet Summit by Canada, France, Norway and the United Kingdom. A ce « One Planet summit » suivront un sommet des acteurs non étatique en Californie, en septembre prochain, la COP 24 en Pologne, ou encore le sommet climatique des Nations unies à … In addition, he called for cooperation between Europe and Africa to multiply the production of plant proteins using agroecological methods, with the aim of enhancing food security in Africa while contributing to the EU’s plant protein supplies. The One Planet Summit aims to promote worldwide ecological transformation. And we need a Paris-style agreement to go with it. Protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystemsRetour ligne automatique A cela s'ajoute la décision de protéger la mer méditerranée par le développement de la pêche durable, la lutte contre la pollution et la promotion de transport maritime durable. What is the aim of One Planet summit? Première édition du One Planet Summit à Paris. 010020070770000000000000011199231396604631, One Planet Summit : les participants s'engagent pour la protection et la restauration de la biodiversité (SYNTHESE). Sponsored by Xinhua News Agency. Parmi la série d'engagements figure la protection des forêts, des espèces et de la santé humaine. | Publié le 2021-01-12 à 19:31 PARIS, 12 janvier (Xinhua) -- Les participants à la quatrième édition du One Planet Summit, organisée lundi à Paris, se sont engagés en faveur du projet de Grande muraille verte (GMV), une initiative pour lutter contre la dégradation des terres et le changement climatique au Sahel. It is fitting that we start this new year with a One Planet Summit in Paris talking about biodiversity. During the debate on imported deforestation, in addition to national strategies developed notably by France and the Netherlands, the European Commission and Parliament announced a timetable for strong decisions to fight imported deforestation during 2021. On January 11, 2021, in Paris, France organized, in cooperation with the United Nations and the World Bank, a fourth edition of the One Planet Summit dedicated to biodiversity. Mais également de faire la promotion de l'agroécologie à travers le projet de Grande muraille verte. 3 minutes. The Summit’s participants included 11 Heads of State and Government (Canada, Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Germany, Italy, Mauritania, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom), as well as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Prince of Wales, and the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Council.
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