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résolution 181 onu pdf

See official Records of the General Assembly, Second Session Supplement No 11, Volume I-IV. Resolution 181: The Partition Resolution of 29 November 1947. The Arab League rejected the plan to partition Palestine by any outside power. Résolution 181 de l'AG de l'ONU, 29 novembre 1947. 181. Not to be forgotten, the President of the General Assembly for that session was Oswaldo Aranha who is known to have lobbied as fiercely as the Zionists to sway the vote for acceptance. The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of … From there it follows the boundary line of this village to its southernmost point. From there it joins Wadi El Zaiyatin just to the west of El Subeita. Risoluzione Assemblea Generale ONU 181 Piano di Ripartizione per crearae uno Stato Arabo ed Ebraico a unione Economica e con un regime Speciale per Gerusalemme (29 Novembre 1947) Official Records of the General Assembly, Second Session Supplement No. From there it turns to the northeast and then to the south-east following this wadi and passes to the east of 'Abda to join Wadi Nafkh. From there it proceeds north-east to a point on the southern boundary of I'Billin situated to the west of the I'Billin-Birwa road. From there it follows the boundary line of this village to its southernmost point. 4 See A/43/928, annex. The south-western boundary of the area of the Arab State in Galilee takes a line from this point, passing northwards along the eastern boundaries of Sarid and Gevat to the north-eastern corner of Nahalal, proceeding thence across the land of Kefar ha Horesh to a central point on the southern boundary of the village of 'Ilut, thence westwards along that village boundary to the eastern boundary of Beit Lahm, thence northwards and north-eastwards along its western boundary to the northeastern corner of Waldheim and thence north-westwards across the village lands of Shafa 'Amr to the southeastern corner of Ramat Yohanan. The Jewish forces exerted all military efforts to achieve maximum land gains as the British prepared to end their Mandate in Palestine in mid-May 1948. 75, No. 973. He even postponed the voting session for 3 days to ensure passage. General Assembly resolution 1803 (XVII) of 14 December 1962, "Permanent sovereignty over natural resources" The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 523 (VI) of 12 January 1952 and 626 (VII) of 21 December 1952, Bearing in mind its resolution 1314 (XIII) … Voting on resolution 181 (II): Both Zionist and Arab delegations were now in a race against time. It includes also a strip of land along the Dead Sea stretching from the Beersheba-Hebron subdistrict boundary line to Ein Geddi, as described in respect of the Arab State. It follows this boundary to the southernmost point of the village of El Buteimat. Elle complète la résolution 1325 sur les femmes, el Ruheiba and then proceeds in a southerly direction to a point known as El Baha, beyond which it crosses the Beersheba-El 'Auja main road to the west of Kh. The Beersheba area comprises the whole of the Beersheba sub-district, including the Negeb and the eastern part of the Gaza sub-district, but excluding the town of Beersheba and those areas described in respect of the Arab State. English (pdf) But since the 1880’s, the Zionists had been preparing for such an eventuality. Thence the boundary line follows the western and southern boundaries of Ramle village, to the north-east corner of El Na'ana village, thence in a straight line to the southernmost point of El Barriya, along the eastern boundary of that village and the southern boundary of 'Innaba village. العربية; 中文; English; Français; Русский; Español; Download the Word Document The stage was thus set for the Zionists to make their dream a reality. Thence it proceeds southwards along the western village boundary of El Faluja to the Beersheba subdistrict boundary. el Mushrifa. The City of Jerusalem shall include the present municipality of Jerusalem plus the surrounding villages and towns, the most eastern of which shall be Abu Dis; the most southern, Bethlehem; the most western, Ein Karim (including also the built-up area of Motsa); and the most northern Shu-fat, as indicated on the attached sketch-map (annex B [following p. 236 in the present. Ce plan prévoit la partition de la Palestine mandataire en trois entités, avec la création Thence it proceeds first north-westwards to a point due north of the built-up area of Zir'in and then westwards to the Afula-Jenin railway, thence north-westwards along the district boundary line to the point of intersection on the Hejaz railway. From the south-east corner of Ibdis village it runs to a point south-west of the built-up area of Beit 'Affa, crossing the Hebron-El Majdal road just to the west of the built-up area of Iraq Suweidan. From here it follows the northern and eastern boundaries of the village of Ar'ara, rejoining the Haifa-Samaria district boundary at Wadi'Ara, and thence proceeding south-south-westwards in an approximately straight line joining up with the western boundary of Qaqun to a point east of the railway line on the eastern boundary of Qaqun village. This decision was influenced by world events at that time. It was on 25 November 1947 that the world became acquainted for the first time with the final draft of the partition resolution: Resolution 181. des documents de l'ONU: Official Document System. Le maintien de la paix et la résolution de conflits internationaux. At 6:00pm Washington time, on Friday May 14, 1948 the Jewish State of Israel was proclaimed just as the Sabbath began at sunset that day. From here it runs due west, parallel to the horizontal grid line 230, to the north-east corner of the village lands of Tel Adashim. It then turns south-eastwards to reach Wadi Sab' at a point situated one kilometre to the west of it. Les résolutions des Nations Unies sont l’expression formelle de l’opinion ou de la volonté des organes qui les adoptent. Comment rédiger une résolution ? 5 A/56/1026-S/2002/932, annex II, resolution 14/221. The vote was 33 in support of the Resolution, 13 members opposed it and 10 members abstained including Britain. 31 Août 2006; Monique Chemillier-Gendreau; Extrait de l’ouvrage « Droit pour tous ou loi du plus fort. Irony has it that the Jewish Provisional Government's 'foreign minister of Israel' Moshe Shertock, chose the first anniversary of UN Res 181 to apply for Israel to be admitted as a member of the UN. They dusted off the map they showed to UNSCOP in May 1947 and decided it was time to act. 11,Volumes l-lV. L’histoire de la Palestine est au cœur de l’histoire du droit international. 2. el Ruheiba and then proceeds in a southerly direction to a point known as El Baha, beyond which it crosses the Beersheba-El 'Auja main road to the west of Kh. At the same time, intensive efforts were made by the Zionist leadership around the world to gain crucial votes: the French altered their position from abstaning to supporting the resolution; Liberia, as a result of economic promises, offered support; the direct lobbying of President Truman and pro-Zionist senators and congressmen secured the votes of 12 out of 20 Latin American countries. under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations. Notes 1 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. From the southeast corner of Dimra the boundary passes across the lands of Beit Hanun, leaving the Jewish lands of Nir-Am to the eastwards. resolution 46/182 “Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations”. Against (13) - Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen. 75, No. 2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations.

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