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why are arab countries normalize relations with israel

But in the new regional context, scholars argue, Palestine has largely faded from the concerns of ruling elites. Saudi Arabia is also gauging the prospects of normalization with Israel but remains wary of jeopardizing its religio-political legitimacy, which is built upon the manufactured Islamic credentials of the ruling family. Bahrain’s Sunni Al-Khalifa monarchy — which rules over a Shi’a majority that has historically been barred from political power — regularly accuses Iran of meddling in its internal affairs and attempting to manipulate segments of the Shi’a population to overthrow the regime. Israel and the United Arab Emirates have reached a deal to normalise relations, with Israel agreeing to suspend its controversial plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank. His research focuses on political Islam and geopolitical competition in the Middle East. Biden’s first 100 days show India is a crucial part of the new administration’s foreign policy. ... this makes the UAE only the third Arab country to normalise relations. Already, Israel’s interactions with the UAE appear to be warmer than its ties with Egypt and Jordan, Arab countries that forged peace with Israel decades ago. Rarely are reporters able to get this level of detail from closed-door meetings. While Arab leaders clamped down on dissent towards the UAE–Israel pact in places like Jordan and Israel, Bahrain’s signing of the Abraham Accord has already proved contentious. And earlier this month, an Emirati royal bought a large stake in an Israeli soccer team (which, perversely, is known for its racist shunning of Arab and Muslim players)—in the kind of high-profile investment that until recently seemed unimaginable. The relations of some countries with Israel were strengthened to the point of alliance before even establishing diplomatic relations. Find him on Twitter: @Hoffman8Jon. Morocco Won’t Normalize Relations With Israel, Here’s Why. For Palestinians, of course, the deals amount to more tragedy and betrayal. pressure on Sudan to forge ties with Israel. Trump Extends Arab Push to Normalize Ties With Israel, Biden Must Reverse Course on Western Sahara, Israel Can’t Hide Evidence of Its Occupation Anymore, China Is Building Entire Villages in Another Country’s Territory, Claims of Microwave Attacks Are Scientifically Implausible, The Countdown to an Israeli War With Iran Has Begun. "The concern about Iranian expansion was one of the catalysts for this peace deal", the Israeli publicist suggests. The recognition was part of a deal to get Morocco to normalize ties with Israel, but Bolton says it breaks a “rock-solid” American commitment to the Sahrawis who claim the territory. One of the behind-the-scenes architects of the deal between Israel and the UAE is, ironically, a Palestinian: the former Gaza security chief Mohammed Dahlan. Forget the hype, Israel’s “security technology” has nothing to do with why some African countries are eager to normalize relations with Tel Aviv. Instead, Israel has gained acceptance in the region without making significant concessions in return. The decision by four Arab countries to forge ties with Israel in 2020 was not about peace, love, or understanding. Israel already had peace deals with Egypt and Jordan. First, it sought to scare off Sunni protesters, and tamp down on unified opposition to the Al-Khalifa family — discouraging protesters who adopted the slogan “not Sunni, not Shi’a, just Bahraini” in the early weeks of protest in 2011. Riyadh also has great interest in preventing the emergence of political liberalization that would challenge the legitimacy of the ruling al-Saud monarchy, including demands for change from its own repressed Shi’a minority. For Palestinians, of course, the deals amount to more tragedy and betrayal. The UAE is not the first Arab country to formally recognize Israel. For the Gulf States in particular, normalization of ties with Israel has historically been tied to the full withdrawal of forces to the pre-1967 lines and recognition of a Palestinian State. Nearly a decade later, a shared interest in containing the power of external adversaries, particularly Iran, is the likely driver of these new rapprochements. However, new reports suggest there may be a rift between Saudi’s King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is eager to formally join forces with Israel while the king remains wary of such moves. The "piecemeal" approach of the Trump administration makes the best of the inability to secure a resolution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, vying instead to normalize relations between Israel and the rest of the Arab countries. Supporters of the Emirati and Bahraini moves say these are landmark steps toward peace in the broader Middle East. Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, Bahrain’s top Shi’a cleric, rejected the normalization in a statement published by the dissolved Bahraini opposition party, al-Wefaq. Thousands of Israeli tourists. The UAE's decision to normalise relations with Israel is a gamble for the Gulf state, writes Frank Gardner. On August 13, 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced they will normalize relations and forge a new relationship. Jonathan H. Ferziger profiles Dahlan and explains his motive for helping bring about the deal. The announcement of this deal also comes at a critical time for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Though the UAE and Bahrain insist they continue to support the Arab Peace Initiative, by committing to normalize relations with Israel they are effectively finalizing the reversal of the initiative’s trajectory: Normalization will come first, eventually followed by steps to end the occupation. Israel also has a shared interest in maintaining the Sunni-dominated status quo in Bahrain — they fear any move toward Shiite inclusion could push Bahrain toward becoming an Iranian ally or satellite. This latest rapprochement, then, is not so much an organic, bottom-up normalization between Israel and Arab publics. The former U.S. national security advisor describes Washington’s decision to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara as “yet another low” for the Trump administration he once served. The Emirati, Israeli, and U.S. flags attached to an airplane from Israel's El Al airline, adorned with the word "peace" in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, upon its arrival at the Abu Dhabi airport in the first-ever commercial flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates, on Aug 31. Why the UAE Chose to Normalize Relations With Israel Eli Lake 8/13/2020. Sign up here for our newsletter. The Arab states participating in th… Following the normalization deal—or possibly as part of it—the Trump administration agreed to sell F-35 fighter planes and other advanced military hardware to the UAE. Politics How US bribed Arab states to normalize ties with Israel Whether normalization with Israel would bring peace to Middle East or be only temporary honeymoon stage, not yet clear Arab leaders see that normalization with Israel provides access to US Empire and what comes with it. Instead, it’s a top-down decision, with little regard for popular opinion or the objections of the Palestinians. Israel and the UAE agreed last month to normalize relations in a deal that Trump helped orchestrate. Q1: Why did this happen? A rival of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Dahlan was forced to leave the Palestinian territories almost a decade ago and has since faced corruption charges in absentia. Don’t miss any of TMC’s smart analysis! About 92% of Americans got their second COVID shot. The coordination is taking place in light of the mutual regional security interests of Israel and Sunni Arab States led by Saudi Arabia, and their standoff against Iranian interests across the Middle East - the Iran–Israel proxy conflict and the Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict. The issue of Palestine had traditionally been a point of contention in the efforts to normalize relations between Tel Aviv and the Arab Gulf states. Has Israel been sabotaging Iran? Before August, only two Arab countries had official ties with Israel – Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning. (While it backtracked on imposing sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, many analysts believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was never serious about annexation.) Therefore, normalization between Bahrain and Israel also serves to advance Saudi security interests. Kuwait is also believed to be one of several Arab countries that are widely being touted as looking to normalise ties with Israel. Thousands of Israeli tourists have visited Abu Dhabi since direct flights were inaugurated in late August. Formalized relations with Israel may also help Gulf nations garner bipartisan favor with the United States. Third Arab country to normalize relations with Israel FILE - In this Aug. 25, 2020 file photo, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stands with Sudanese Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, the head of the ruling sovereign council, in Khartoum, Sudan. In this piece, reporter Jonathan H. Ferziger profiles Dahlan and explains his motive for helping bring about the deal. Even before the inception of formal relations, Israel and many Gulf Arab states had engaged in functional cooperation, particularly concerning matters of security, and have participated in increasingly public high-level meetings on shared regional concerns. The former U.S. national security advisor describes Washington’s decision to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara as “yet another low” for the Trump administration he once served. For Israel and Bahrain, the greatest point of convergence has been their shared agenda concerning Iran. In particular he warns about the UAE’s alleged support for Russian-backed troops in Libya. DUBAI: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said other Arab countries will also normalize ties with Israel, Al-Arabiya TV reported on Sunday. The issue of Palestine had traditionally been a point of contention in the efforts to normalize relations between Tel Aviv and the Arab Gulf states. Bahrain has followed in the steps of the United Arab Emirates by agreeing to normalize relations with Israel as part of the White House's campaign to achieve peace in the Middle East. Two days before the signing of the Israel-UAE-Bahrain peace agreements in Washington, Khalid bin Hamad Al-Malik, editor of the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah, wrote in an article published September 13, 2020, that the Arabs, having failed to defeat Israel militarily and having realized its strength, have no option but to normalize relations with Israel. The normalization of relations with Israel was a goal proclaimed by the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, though this was predicated on full Israeli withdrawal from all the territories occupied since 1967, as well as the establishment of a sovereign, independent Palestinian state. The Trump administration believes that the UAE’s recognition of Israel advances the cause of peace in the region. Before Trump, it would have been astonishing for a former top official to turn against his own president on the pages of. Foreign Policy’s reporters and contributors covered the deals and analyzed them extensively. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, post-2013 Egypt, Bahrain and Israel are working together to dominate the regional balance of power. On Sept. 11, the Kingdom of Bahrain became the fourth Arab nation to formally normalize relations with Israel. Saudi Arabia’s current King Salman is against normalization but reports are that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would be in favor of normalization. Outside the Al-Khalifa family, the party with the most interest in maintaining the status quo within Bahrain is Saudi Arabia. Mohammed bin Salman’s much-touted domestic reform agenda won’t succeed until it ensures Shiite religious freedom. In this piece, reporter. This is in addition to statements denouncing the move from a broad array of Bahraini political and civil society associations from across the political spectrum, including several leftist, nationalist and liberal groups. The recognition was part of a deal to get Morocco to normalize ties with Israel, but Bolton says it breaks a “rock-solid” American commitment to the Sahrawis who claim the territory. One of the behind-the-scenes architects of the deal between Israel and the UAE is, ironically, a Palestinian: the former Gaza security chief Mohammed Dahlan. He makes his home in Abu Dhabi, where he acts as an advisor to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Following the eruption of mass mobilizations within Bahrain in 2011 against the Al-Khalifa family, the government portrayed these protests as inspired by Iran and led by Iranian agents. Egypt signed the Camp David Accords in 1979 in return for the Sinai, while Jordan signed its agreement in 1994 at the height of the Oslo Peace Process. In this piece, Samuel Ramani, a nonresident fellow at the Gulf International Forum, argues that Abu Dhabi’s growing relationship with Russia makes the arms deal counterproductive for the United States. He makes his home in Abu Dhabi, where he acts as an advisor to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Are U.S. allies finally rallying around Washington’s more aggressive stance toward Beijing? Procuring formal recognition from two Arab states without making concessions to the Palestinians represents a significant political win for an embattled Netanyahu. We regret the editing error. Thus, the term normalization falls short of description, but the focus remains on the steps to normalize relations given the intense sensitivity of Arab … My research suggests these moves instead reflect the new regional order that has emerged since the 2011 Arab Spring.

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