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The Assad government describes itself as secular,[23] while some political scientists have claimed that the government exploits sectarian tensions in the country and relies upon the Alawite minority to remain in power. ", "Kerry: There Is Evidence That Assad Has Played "Footsie" With ISIS", "Syria, ISIS Have Been 'Ignoring' Each Other on Battlefield, Data Suggests", "Has Assad infiltrated rebel forces inside Syria? [233] A Jane's Defence Weekly database analysis claimed that only a small percentage of the Syrian government's attacks were targeted at ISIS in 2014. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday for talks criticized by the White House as undermining American efforts to isolate the hard-line Arab country. [164] The BBC Middle East editor conducting the interview, Jeremy Bowen, later described Assad's statement regarding barrel bombs as "patently not true". Many Western audiences have been seduced by his smart casual look and by his increasingly prominent, beautifully turned-out British wife, Asma. [131] Following the missile strikes on a Syrian airbase on the orders of President Trump, Assad's spokesperson described the United States' behaviour as "unjust and arrogant aggression" and stated that the missile strikes "do not change the deep policies" of the Syrian government. Sitemap [138] These sanctions were reinforced in October 2014 by the EU and U.S.[139][140] Industry in parts of the country that are still held by the government is heavily state-controlled, with economic liberalisation being reversed during the current conflict. "[124], On 22 January 2016, the Financial Times, citing anonymous "senior western intelligence officials", claimed that Russian general Igor Sergun, the director of GRU, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, had shortly before his sudden death on 3 January 2016 been sent to Damascus with a message from Vladimir Putin asking that President Assad step aside. [162] In March 2015, Rapp further stated that the case against Assad is "much better" than those against Slobodan Milošević of Serbia or Charles Taylor of Liberia, both of whom were indicted by international tribunals. The murderous pair’s ultra-modern presidential mansion — commissioned in 1979 and designed by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange — is thought to have cost up to $1 billion. [132] President Assad also told the Agence France-Presse that Syria's military had given up all its chemical weapons in 2013, and would not have used them if they still retained any, and stated that the chemical attack was a "100 percent fabrication" used to justify a U.S. In 1978, his father Hafez al-Assad severed diplomatic relations with the country after Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel in the Camp David Accords. ... Semites are a race and [Syrians] not only belong to this race, but are its core. [107] On 14 March, an influential cousin of Assad and founder of the shabiha, Mohammed Toufic al-Assad, was assassinated with five bullets to the head in a dispute over influence in Qardaha—the ancestral home of the Assad family. ", "Syrian forces beat up political cartoonist Ali Ferzat", "Prominent Syrian Cartoonist Attacked, Beaten", "Russian vetoes are putting UN security council's legitimacy at risk, says US", "Russia won't back U.N. call for Syria's Assad to go", Russia and China veto draft Security Council resolution on Syria, "Syria death toll hits 5,000 as insurgency spreads", "Syria's Assad blames 'foreign conspiracy, "Syria claims 90% of voters backed reforms in referendum", "Russia backs Assad as fighting in Damascus escalates", "Syrian death toll tops 19,000, say activists", "Al-Assad: Enemies of Syria 'will go to hell, "Bashar Assad may be weaker than he thinks", "Pro-government Syrian activist arrested after rare public dissent", "Assad's army stretched but still seen strong in Syria's war", "Activists Say Assad Supporters Protest in Syria", "Assad dismisses security chief of powerful 'Branch 40, "Syria's Alawites Pay Heavy Price as They Bury Sons", "Car bomb wounds 37 in government-held area of Syria's Homs", "Alawites find their voice against Assad", "In Syria's war, Alawites pay heavy price for loyalty to Bashar al-Assad", "Assad relative assassinated in Syria: activists", "Syria: Bashar al-Assad arrests own cousin Munther 'for kidnapping links, "Can Syria's Assad withstand latest battlefield setbacks? Once known as Syria’s Princess Diana, Asma is now a reviled figure in her own country. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad attends a 2008 conference in India. "[137] Economic sanctions (the Syria Accountability Act) were applied long before the Syrian Civil War by the United States and were joined by the European Union at the outbreak of the civil war, causing disintegration of the Syrian economy. Judaism, on the other hand, is a religion which can be attributed to all races. Born to Fawaz Akhras, a cardiologist and his wife Sahar Akhras, a retired diplomat, she was born and raised in London. In 2001, Assad condemned the September 11 attacks. [306] The leader of Guyana's People's Progressive Party and President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar, said that Assad's win in the presidential election is a great victory for Syria. As well as the treaty, the future of the Golan Heights was being discussed. Here are his first photos", "The Failed Public Relations Campaign of Bashar al Assad's Family", "Assad emails: 'Fares closed all your Twitter accounts, "The Syrian presidency's Instagram account shows the banality of evil", "Syria's First Couple and the Banality of E-Mail", "Assad: faithful student of ruthlessness", "Photos Presented to the House Foreign Affairs Committee by "Caesar" at Briefing on "Assad's Killing Machine Exposed: Implications for U.S. Policy, "EXCLUSIVE: Gruesome Syria photos may prove torture by Assad regime", "Assad's allies invent British jihadi death", "Syria's Assad in surprise visit to Moscow", "The road to Damascus (all the way from Acton)", "Syria's Bashar al-Assad says his wife is pregnant", "Bashar al-Assad's wife Asma 'pregnant with fourth child, "Syrian president's mother Anissa Assad dies aged 86", "Syria's Assad and his wife test positive for COVID-19", "Syrian president and wife recover from COVID-19", "A French Honor Not Always for the Honorable; Assad Returns His", "La France engage la procédure pour retirer sa Légion d'honneur à Bachar Al-Assad", "Bachar al-Assad rend sa Légion d'honneur à la France, "esclave des Etats-Unis, "Про нагородження орденом князя Ярослава Мудрого - від 20 April 2002 № 362/2002", "Syyrian sotarikoksista syytetyllä presidentillä Suomen korkein kunniamerkki", "Dettaglio decorato: Al-Assad S.E. Protesters called for political reforms and the reinstatement of civil rights, as well as an end to the state of emergency which had been in place since 1963. However, Assad also said the country would not "close doors" to an Arab-brokered solution if "national sovereignty" was respected. Born and raised in Damascus, Bashar al-Assad graduated from the medical school of Damascus University in 1988 and began to work as a doctor in the Syrian Army. [211], Assad met with U.S. scientists and policy leaders during a science diplomacy visit in 2009, and he expressed interest in building research universities and using science and technology to promote innovation and economic growth. [284] In March 2015, Assad met with Filip Dewinter of the Belgian party Vlaams Belang. Haley, Mattis divided on evidence of Syria gas attack, This story has been shared 93,389 times. [143], A United Nations commissioned report by the Syrian Centre for Policy Research states that two-thirds of the Syrian population now lives in "extreme poverty". [48][49] Four years later, he settled in London to start postgraduate training in ophthalmology at the Western Eye Hospital. [192] Syria completed its full withdrawal from Lebanon on April 30, 2005. They have three children. In a political cartoon widely circulated in the Arab world in 2012, Assad was portrayed as Nero fiddling while his country lay in ruins around him. [38] Assad's youngest brother, Majd, was not a public figure and little is known about him other than he was intellectually disabled,[39] and died in 2009 after a "long illness". [184], In late-November 2016, some Arab media outlets reported Egyptian pilots arrived in mid-November to Syria to help the Syrian government in its fight against the Islamic State and Al Nusra front. Does it exist now?" [183] Assad told The Wall Street Journal in this same period that he considered himself "anti-Israel" and "anti-West", and that because of these policies he was not in danger of being overthrown. [242] Analyst Noah Bonsey of the International Crisis Group has suggested that ISIS are politically expedient for Assad, as "the threat of ISIS provides a way out [for Assad] because the regime believes that over time the U.S. and other countries backing the opposition will eventually conclude that the regime is a necessary partner on the ground in confronting this jihadi threat", while Robin Wright of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has stated "the outside world's decision to focus on ISIS has ironically lessened the pressure on Assad. He also urged refugees to return home from Turkey, while assuring them amnesty and blaming all unrest on a small number of saboteurs.

Voyage Au Bout De Lenfer Ile Maurice, Roi Arabie Saoudite 2020, Bashar Al Assad Wife, Jérôme Pauwels Hawaii 5-0, Aurélie Valognes Avis, L'egyptien Film Complet En Francais, Mitchum Roll-on Gel, Giuseppe Penone Biographie Courte,
