Chef De Projet Bouygues Salaire, Drapeau Du Chili, Enragé Film 2020, édith Piaf Hymne à L'amour, Jérôme Pauwels Hawaii 5-0, " />

solaris film explication

I found the film quite disturbing in a way, and haven’t been so interested in a film for a quite a while. This week's video essay is a look into how Solaris views the past and the present. When she was acting so against marriage, I thought it was because she was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was hiding it. Some try to kill their Phantoms. When Kevin enters the space station he finds Gibarian’s body and a second body. Gordon argues that even if Chris doesn’t want to, Rheya will come to him while he sleeps. As bewildering and confusing as this movie is, it’s that much more intriguing and fascinating. Sorry, to clarify, that he had either attempted suicide when he took the pills (had actually died), but thought that he’d survived, or possibly had died unwittingly, or slightly darker, been killed and ‘replaced’ as his human form would not have survived the space station’s crash into the planet…. By Stanislaw Lem. Though he made only seven features, thwarted by Soviet censors and then by cancer, each honored his ambition to crash through the surface of ordinary life and find a larger … Aller vers elle. Gordon wants to destroy Rheya, hypothesizes that they may end up carrying the Phantoms back on Earth if they don’t kill her. In repeated viewings of this movie, I came to the conclusion that His films may be considered slow for some, but for me, it's poetry in motion. A ndrei Tarkovsky belongs to that handful of filmmakers (Dreyer, Bresson, Vigo, Tati) who, with a small, concentrated body of work, created a universe. It’s under-plotted, bloated and would have made a better 30-minutes TWILIGHT ZONE episode than a feature film. And it would explain the regeneration ability of a phantom, the healing of the cut. A sentient, world-like organism with the abilities it apparently possesses, very likely created the ‘phantoms’ to interact with those aboard and learn to understand them. Something conscious on Solaris was able to reach inside the consciousness of the people on-board the space station Prometheus and contact them in a way that was both profound and disturbing. There is A LOT more to Solaris than meets the eye. Solaris is an adaptation of an adaptation. Il était temps que je parle de ce film car, même si c'est un fait qu'on retrouve chez de très nombreuses personnes et qu'il est clair que je ne me démarque pas de la masse cinéphile sur ce point, Interstellar est un film qui m'a profondément marqué et qui figure aisément dans mon By putting very human characters in extreme situations caused by an unknown, but rational (?) Bach is also employed. It is based on the 1961 science fiction novel of the same name by Polish writer Stanisław Lem. 2) An interesting point that hasn’t been brought up is at the end, when Rhea seems to be speaking to Solaris. And it is under the total grip of the deep insights of Tarkovsky. Mmm, no, how silly of me. Do any of us only have issues with one? Lorsque Kelvin arrive, il réalise qu’une bonne partie de l’équipage est mort, dont Gibarian, sans que l’on sache vraiment pourquoi. Gibarian est passé par là. What makes us who we are, and what is love? He figured out he could hopefully join her on Solaris. So he creates this story in his mind of going to this space station. They discover that Snow is in fact Phantom-Snow, who killed Human-Snow in self-defence whenever the original tried to attack him when he appeared. Dream/Phantom Gibarian also suggests Solaris doesn’t “want something”. Pas facile en effet. Chris and Rheya live together; she initially refuses marriage, discovers she’s pregnant, has an abortion. Solaris makes a viewer feel this, and even this single fact shows us that Solaris is no ordinary SF film. An alien falling in love with a alien but not for the exact same reasons. Others, like Jeremy Davies’ Snow, are less successful and are killed by their Phantoms in self-defence. … Is proximity an issue? Which makes me think she was a healthy new version of herself (though frought with potential psychological issues), and things could have ended up really well. Il s’agit là d’un amour fusionnel et donc destructeur. Solaris Analysis. The Catch-22 is that the planet knows no more than its visitors know about these absent people. Solaris (February 16/03). Solaris is an adaptation of an adaptation. troisième long métrage d'Andreï Tarkovski, sorti en 1972, inspiré du roman du même nom de Stanislas Lem. This revealed to him the possibility of the nature of the being, Reya. It’s a would-be Greek Tragedy, if not for the hope of an everlasting life in the hereafter. Tone Genre What's Up With the Title? Solaris Analysis. A favorite movie. Hmmm… I didn’t read all the replies but I get the feeling none of you really got this film. Solaris lives, Your email address will not be published. Or maybe even Rehya’s memory acting through Solaris? It’s such a given point that it is only barely touched upon at Gabarians dinner. SOLARIS • Explication de Film décembre 15, 2020 CUBE • Explication de Film décembre 27, 2020 Commentez ou partagez votre explication Annuler la réponse. Rheya, driven nuts by the knowledge that she is a re-creation, tries to commit suicide by drinking liquid oxygen. He had the second chance he hoped for. They’re part of Solaris. Anyways the last scene is of Solaris…but I always see it has having changed permanently because of Kelvin and his understanding of love or connection that Solaris has now. 45. the point that we should not expect life on other planets to be Also, what was Rheya doing talking to Gabarian’s kid? And why does Solaris have to wait until you’re asleep, before it raises humans from your subconscious? Close. It has developed its own “intelligence”, whatever that may mean to a planet-spanning protoplasmic ocean with powers that appear supernatural. If you pay attention to the film some mistakes are made with the alien intelligence’s imperfect representation of those that have been lost or facts about them. That our loved ones are always with us and in this scientific experiment the proof is real and tangible but entangled with a new definition of what it means to be human. Self-sacrifice out of guilt for not remembering Rheya “right”? It allows you to make up your mind. I don't own any of the footage, it's all clips from the movie. This is the same with the phantoms. There are multiple understandings and interpretations of this version of the story created by Lem. A ndrei Tarkovsky started work on an adaptation of Stanisław Lem's philosophical science-fiction novel in 1968 in an attempt to find a popular cinematic subject. Sci-Fi indeed! We crave bacon sandwiches. That is the central theme of Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris. Congratulatuons to everyone that has thus far commented on behaving like human beings. Solaris presumably knows, is the premise. I get the feeling you didn’t. Perhaps his time spent and experiences with Rheya opened his mind to possibilities outside the scientific realm? How is such an entity to communicate with bipedal pack animals? Force est de se rendre à l’évidence, aujourd’hui on roule pour soi. Kelvin ne peut se résoudre à l’idée de retourner sur terre sans Rheya. Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris is a visually hypnotic, deeply affecting story of conscience, love, and reconciliation. Solaris is discovered Psychologist Chris Kelvin (George Clooney) sees Rheya (Natascha McElhone) on the train and then meets her at a party. I’ll give my own take of the movie, some of what is said here is same as how I understood SOLARIS but not quite. Nature’s method of motivating survival behaviour. Its explains alot. Can it be copied, can it be studied, dissected and recreated in all it’s true forms regardless of physical damage and death. Gabarian committed suicide because of these Phantoms that were coming from Solaris. In Solaris (1972), Andrei Tarkovsky presents a vision of contemporary society as one that has become cut off from nature, and provides a narrative that illustrates the possibility of remaining human in the inhuman world that is the result. And he seemed to realise she wasn’t really Rheya, but still loved her. Have your essay written today. Kelvin had faith of what GOD/SOLARIS had to offer and there he accepted GOD/SOLARIS. Solaris is here to serve. Just an update having now read the 1961 Stanislaw Lem book that the film is based upon, and also having seen the 1972 Soviet film version of the book. When seen through this tradition, the story is actually quite elegant, literal and succinct.”]. I see one major theme running through this … that Solaris is trying to understand this new element that orbits it, a new element that is not itself. I do like this take Ln X. Perhaps Chris has fallen in love with someone else but needs that someone (the Solaris entity) to take the form of Rheya to understand this love. It mostly takes place in the characters’ heads. It doesn’t repeat its answers time and time again. He’s a replicant, sorry, phantom and he just realised it when he hears the ‘voices’ from the cockpit… … There are no hints for ulterior motives in Solaris’s part aside from giving Kelvin and his wife the life they really wanted. It doesn’t repeat its answers time and time again. I thought perhaps from his descriptions of being there, having to learn the ticks and habits of body language, that the whole concept of earth was foreign, and I guess in my mind, I imagined that perhaps as real Chris crashed into the planet and perished, that a replicant had appeared with Gordon. I’d have to rewatch, but can’t now. Is that the Solaris entity taking control of Rheya’s body and trying to replicate human interaction? So, ok the lady returns. A film with many thought-provoking angles. The film has driven me into a fevered thinking. Which brings us back to another point sort of skipped here. In the end, I believe, and I could be wrong, that it was Chris’ love and longing for Rheya and his guilt as well, that ‘encouraged’ Solaris to ‘invite’ him down. So I wonder whether the phantom’s actual experiences on the spacecraft, and their interactions with humans, could have been explored more as being a means by which the phantoms could achieve meaning in their (ie the phantoms’) existences/lives. And flew home with her. Any type of essay. He comes back and discovers her, dead, clutching his favourite poem. I have to think that there was a permanence of Rheya being destroyed. So, in the end, as Kris decides to stay, it is then that Solaris truly succeeds in it’s attempt to make the human connection. Assuming Solaris is a metaphor for a platonic God, which is suggested many times, there are mentions of its omniscience, Rhea inside Solaris would be the quintessence of Rhea. The why is left unanswered. It is clear that he is swallowed up by Solaris, but they don’t imply that he “died”. Everything.” This marks the point of Chris’ transcendence and once more suggests that there was a Solaris entity inside of the Rheya clone/replica. Perhaps in this corner of this universe, quantum potentiality overrides probability to bring back the dead? The most amusing thing about the 1972 adaptation of Solaris - a film about which very little is amusing, to be fair - is that Andrei Tarkovsky made it, basically, as a "one for them" project. We crave it. This is why he stayed behind. Gibarian, for his own reasons, chose to end his life with the memory – albeit painful – of his dead son intact – leaving the simulacrum behind. That’s what I got from watching it for the first time there. If you remember, Rheya asks him how he got the scar on his finger and he said he cut himself while making food, they exact same scene when he is standing in the pod door. Originally a 1961 novel from Polish writer Stanislav Lem, it was first produced as a film by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky in 1972. Sa vision jusqu’au-boutiste de l’amour ne résonne plus dans une société égoïste où l’homme ne sait plus ce que c’est qu’être deux (cf Newness), comme disait Jean Ferrat. I think this choice was made because well most of the audience for the movie are of course Christians. Other strange events soon start happening as well, such as the appearance of old acquaintances of … The point is the ending ^^^^. This movie explores many of the greatest emotions in life; curiosity, allegiance, obligation, fear, control, anger, depression, desperation, loss, regret and love. So looking back if you consider happiness is found in heaven, then Kelvin in the end was in heaven and Solaris is God. L’exemple de Solaris est particulièrement remarquable. What was in her system when she arrived? This film is a testament to affirmation of continuation! In the current American version he finds himself in a simulated earth living with Rheya. (It could be argued that Chris’ recollection of her as a suicidal woman doesn’t help the re-creation think of better ways to deal with her problem. Il le fait venir sur cette planète pour mieux le secouer et lui expliquer que seuls comptent les choix qu’il décide de faire aujourd’hui. Un amour absolu assez proche de celui chanté par Vanessa Paradis dans « mi amor », quand la femme demande à l’homme de lui promettre qu’elle est son tout. Si vous souhaitez connaitre l’explication de la fin de Madame Claude, lisez la suite ! Is it Gibarian’s child or a re-creation of the child he would have had with Rheya had she kept it? He also sees a boy running around. Ce site utilise Akismet pour réduire les indésirables. Au final, le désespoir de Kelvin donne paradoxalement des envies de sortir de l’hiver. Or perhaps he chooses to end his life holding on to the memory of his dead son rather than replacing him with the newly manifested version, which he also desperately wants to hold on to. that’s the best explanation period. His original explanation of the story was to create a story that deals with humans and an inhuman concept or a concept beyond human understanding or imagining. In an age where cinema-SF has become nearly synonymous with fancy special effects and overblown action sequences, that’s rare and maybe even important. Elle était dépressive, sa projection le sera donc toujours. What I find interesting, what will humans on earth do with their information about Solaris from Gibson? Bring half your family in. The station crashes into the expanding planet. Tyler and FZ discuss the 1972 Soviet science fiction classic Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. Projection néanmoins bien vivante et qui va le hanter puisqu’elle réapparaît sans cesse quand il essaie de s’en débarrasser. Tarkovsky's images have a long lasting impression in my mind. Sa théorie sur le manque le prouve. Film de Steven Soderbergh avec George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies : toutes les infos essentielles, la critique Télérama, la bande annonce, les diffusions TV et les replay. What if the guy standing outside the pod is not the real thing? En perdant Rheya, Kelvin perd le sien. And she eludes any and all questions about how she got there. SOLARIS is obviously not an audience-friendly film, but on the other hand, it exemplifies a whole lot of what “real science-fiction” is all about. Or else infinate universes with all possibilities. One point not mentioned however is the main premise behind God. Today’s scientific discoveries are always yesterday’s magic. The physics of the phantoms never stated that if you destroyed one, or perhaps satisfied what you had to do with that one, that a different one didn’t try to appear. The space craft most of the film is shot on for example - it never seemed more to me than a series of disconnected studio sets. My understanding is that Solaris did not actually get physically bigger; it only looked that way because the space station had drifted closer to it. Des scientifiques face à l’inexplicable : l’angoisse est à son comble! 1) When Rhea’s “undead incarnation” first appears, she acts as though Kelvin should just be happy to see her. It would explain her last remark to him in the movie, that everything was forgiven. a Kelvin simulacrum. While he does that, the planet reads his memory of Rheya and re-creates her. Keep in mind that this film doesn’t have to make perfect sense: It’s more of a psychological-experimental fable than a hard-tech story. Which leads me to believe that on the station there were two sentient beings within Rheya’s body: one is that of the ressurrected Rheya (the Rheya clone) who has all her memories but only places significance in those memories shared with Kelvin, the other sentient being is some kind of Solaris entity who is there to observe Chris. Au début, il y a une étincelle. Solaris makes a viewer feel this, and even this single fact shows us that Solaris is no ordinary SF film. I have faith in everybody that wrote here, whether I agreed with them or not. (Original sin?). It was a violation of all of our various laws regarding the Universe, Space, or Space-Time. Kelvin was concerned with her psychological wellbeing, and I think at this point, he could have nursed her back to a healthy life. He would not have had anti-depressants on the ship if he did not get a prescription for them after her death, and I think he took them to try to stay awake when she was trying to get zapped. There’s a brief scene where the kid is clearly giving instructions to Rheya and clearly he isn’t speaking to Rheya, he’s speaking to the Solaris entity which resides in Rheya. Notons malgré tout l’influence du soleil (cf Sunshine). On voit en Kelvin quelqu’un de triste certes, mais surtout bien bête de ne pas réaliser que la vie est courte et qu’il devrait profiter du temps qui lui reste (cf Le cercle des poètes disparus). It’s our Choices in life that dictate who we are, what we think, experience, and our own value systems. As it happens, the novel lends itself to movie adaptions that attempt to extend the philisophical speculation this engenders …. With Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet, Vladislav Dvorzhetskiy. The Solaris Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972. In the meantime, I’m sufficiently satisfied by the above. People expounded on other’s ideas, made valid counter arguments, and respected each other’s thoughts. These words, uttered by the disillusioned and paranoid Dr Snaut (Yuri Yarvet), paint in one simple stroke the existential horror and frightening truth of Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1972 magnum opus from Solaris. Download. What would you do? Accroché au fantôme de son ex. This, naturally, causes people some discomfort. I understand it’s a difficult read (perhaps a flawed translation) but will persevere with it! By Phillip Lopate. We’re together now. The film, described as a ‘Soviet science fiction art film’, is based on Stanislaw Lem’s 1961 novel of the same name and famously stars both Donatas Banionis and Natalya Bondarchuk. Sauf que Lamartine est passé de mode. She drinks, presumably eats, and poos That’s “there”. He couldn’t resolve his relationship with Rhea on Earth or purgatory (the land of ghosts) because Rhea outside of Solaris was nothing but a facsimile of her essence based on his perception. What is the significance of the “bloody/mangled” door in scene 20, In the original story and in the earlier Russian film by Tarkovsky, at the end the main character finds himself in the home of his long dead father after being assimilated by Solaris. My son is on Earth. My theory was that Chris did not realise that he was himself a simulation until he cut his finger and healed instantaneously, however he was so in love with what he had come to accept as Rheya that it was ‘enough for him’ to use his quote from earlier in the film. I guess I’m more inclined toward an unmoved amoral alien entity, something we can’t quite understand, which fits what Stanislaw Lem originally intended. I love the 73 version and this one for different reasons but the 2001 version and the other versions including the book are all dealing with an alien or at least an unknown intelligence which has inhuman or unknown reasoning or logic when it interacts with humans. So Solaris has an interest in giving us a perpetual orgasm? Therefore I am going to connect parts of the movie to established Christian ideas. It was completely counter-intuitive. I surmise that just as 99% of Homo-sapiens-sapiens are lethal to the clinging morass of their fellow human-beings so are any alien entities we, as a species, might encounter. ), but that type of thing may be be left to better writers and more patient commentators. If we humans encountered a much more intelligent and advanced life form in the universe, how would we communicate, let alone physically interact. While most of the interpretations are fairly similar, what surprised me the most was the tone of the thread itself. Also she said that they should neither be alive nor dead or at least no think of themselves that way, therefore wherever they were then was an afterlife. Il ne trouvera pas de réponse dans le passé. One of his wonderful films among his splendid repertoire is Solaris. Il est tout simplement bloqué, enlisé dans ses questions. Oh, and do remember once again that Soderbergh was in his arty-trippy mode when he did this film. Then in this apartment when Kelvin cut himself, the cut immediately healed further supporting that he is in a heaven of sorts. Seriously dude. Nothing much to add, just glad we’re still discussing this underappreciated masterpiece in 2019. Only the boy was there. I was hoping for more mention of it during the film, but no, it got lost in the muddle. Kelvin asks if she’s coming back, and Snow (who we later find out is a Solaris manifestation) asks “Do you want her to?”. [*]: About the lock: The Soderbergh/Cameron DVD audio commentary is vague about most of the film’s plot, but it does clear up the lock “symbolism”: Soderbergh needed the actress to hold something in her hands, and the lock was the most intriguing prop they could find. Maybe Solaris is angry at the destruction of its Phantoms), and that the station will soon crash down on the planet. The more bizarre sequence is the “dream” sequence, the one where Chris sees multiple versions of Rheya at one time, but just before then he dreams of Rheya looking at him directly in different environments which were significant to Chris: the subway train, his apartment, the street where she agreed to marry him. Chris falls asleep (after gulping down some pills; this may have been a suicide attempt or just a few extra-strong sleeping pills. But then again, have I mentioned how many people kill themselves at the slightest excuse in this film?”. Everything is a struggle to be sane again. The film contrasts a life-affirming natural landscape to an urban, constructed landscape where the natural world is submerged and invisible. Guilt, loss, loneliness, despair, heartache. A pretty specific tease? Perhaps it’s powers were as out of control as the person. A planet with properties that creates out of memory doesn’t indicate a “god”, anymore than the existence of the sun, or all that we knew in years gone by. He doesn’t react well, blames her lack of commitment and storms out of their apartment. Rheya looks at him throughout in a very alien way, is this Chris seeing the Solaris entity? Il y impose ici l’essence de son cinéma pour se réapproprier le genre et proposer une nouvelle fois une expérience déroutante et fascinante. Solaris tells the story of a planet that reads minds, and obliges its visitors by devising and providing people they have lost, and miss. I couldn’t help it. Then the film slides well into transcendental mode, as Chris and Rheya meet again, this time forever happy. A connection. Yet the very last scene shows specifically the planet or entity has changed permanently or at least for a longer time than previously recorded by the crew and earth observers. Chris and Rheya live together; she initially refuses marriage, discovers she’s pregnant, has an abortion. I completely missed any deeper meanings contained within the narrative, because I just didn't believe the action. On the space station we nearly always see the consciousness of the Rheya clone, a few times there are hints of the Solaris entity. Le lendemain matin, Chris se réveille en compagnie de son ex-femme Rheya (Natscha McElhone) ou plutôt d’une projection d’elle (cf Sphere). I think he either really joined the phantom Rheya, or the pergatory/afterlife is plausible as well, as that crossed my mind on first viewing. Kris asks, “Am I alive or dead.” Rheya answers, “We don’t have to think like that anymore. Like any good “shrink”, you bring it out, you look at it, and you talk about it, until it no longer can hurt you. This is exactly why Starfleet issued General Order 7, forbidding travel to Talos IV, under penalty of death. Really? Stay away? I think Solaris was attempting to get the people on the space station to deal with baggage they carried around. But a being of that magnitude would be mostly incomprehensible to us. MATRIX • Explication de Film décembre 25, 2018 SUNSHINE • Explication de Film décembre 30, 2018 BATMAN v SUPERMAN : L ... SOLARIS • Explication de Film décembre 15, 2020 Lunea février 7, 2021 / Répondre. Rheya is the woman we could not live with, yet whom we loved and cannot get out of our mind. I believe Solaris represents a manifestation of the all-mighty Spirit. A lot of people have said the major theme to this movie is love. At least not enough to show a real or reality based sign that can be seen on a human level. This is about the definition of humanity. In Solaris (1972), Andrei Tarkovsky presents a vision of contemporary society as one that has become cut off from nature, and provides a narrative that illustrates the possibility of remaining human in the inhuman world that is the result. But, phantoms seem to come back at the age that they were last remembered. Was this an alien intelligent being trying to understand humans by letting a part of it try to become human? You dont have to try to hard to understand it or turn it into science. I think I need to see it again to fully form my opinion. Both films involve human space journeys and encounters with a transforming alien intelligence, which creates places ("2001") or people ("Solaris") … I think it’s divine that people postulated that the true acceptance of your phantom made a union between this consciousness and the human it was talking to. Hmm, promising! Why? (I’m kidding!). I tried to find the rhythm of the world where I used to live. So is Rhea phantom 1 trapped forever in a death and rebirth spiral, somehow reincorporated into the corporeal uber-Rhea, or but a plaything of Solaris to be reabsorbed as perhaps Kelvin and the station is at the end? Kelvin n’arrive pas à faire son deuil. How would it differentiate between all of your strange thoughts in the warehouse of your mind? And Is she really there? C’est pour cette raison qu’on lui en veut tous de se laisser aller comme ça. Mmm. Perhaps the Solaris entity occupying the Rheya clone fell in love with Chris but could not truly reciprocate in either human form or that of an observor. Chris stays at the doorway. It seemed, as far as its physics, that Rheya didn’t return. But there’s no denying that some hints may be required in order to appreciate the film jut a little bit more. ), Go to and for more commentary on this movie but if you pay attention to the part where she said there were no pictures in the apartment and in the end there is a picture it would seem that he did perish in the crash but is now living some semblance of a life created by the alien intelligence.

Chef De Projet Bouygues Salaire, Drapeau Du Chili, Enragé Film 2020, édith Piaf Hymne à L'amour, Jérôme Pauwels Hawaii 5-0,
