émirat de transjordanie
", Bentwich wrote: "An agreement was made in February 1928, between His Britannic Majesty and the Emir of Transjordan, varying in important respects the execution of the Mandate for Transjordan which was conferred with the Mandate for Palestine in 1922. 31 relations. L'influence de Londres y demeure cependant prépondérante. [26] Without facing opposition Abdullah and his army had effectively occupied most of Transjordan by March 1921.[27][28]. cannot acquiesce in his claim to concern himself directly with the administration of any portion of the territory of Transjordan for which H.M.G. Send. nécessaire]).Un émirat peut avoir un statut d'État indépendant, de province d'un État souverain, ou d'État fédéré tels ceux des Émirats arabes unis qui unit sept émirats. The sole organised and effective military force at hand was a Hijazi household army of some 200 men under Hashemite command. The Palestine Order in Council, 1922, which established the legal basis for the Mandatory Government in Palestine, explicitly excluded Transjordan from its application apart from giving the High Commissioner some discretionary power there. In the second half of the nineteenth century, The Tanzimat laid the foundation for state formation in the area. Le royaume hachémite doit son existence aux turbulences provoquées par l'effondrement de l'empire ottoman et à l'instauration du mandat britannique en Palestine au début du XXe siècle. 1921–1946 : Drapeau (1928–1939) Blason . [44][45], The southern border between Transjordan and Arabia was considered strategic for Transjordan in order to avoid being landlocked, with intended access to the sea via the Port of Aqaba. The movement claimed that it effectively severed Transjordan from Palestine, and so reduced the area on which a future Jewish state in the region could be established. After the Ottoman defeat in World War I, the Transjordan region was administered within OETA East; after British withdrawal this became the Hashemite-ruled Arab Kingdom of Syria, administering an area broadly comprising the areas of the modern countries of Syria and Jordan. [51], The location of the Eastern border between Transjordan and Iraq was considered strategic with respect to the proposed construction of what became the Kirkuk–Haifa oil pipeline. En 1921, le nombre de soldats passe à 1000. Husain, however, had never accepted this and had stationed a Vali alongside Faisal's administrator, but the two men had worked in harmony so that the dispute never came to an open struggle. Marjorie M. Whiteman, Digest of International Law, vol. Le mandat britannique se termine le 22 mars 1946[12]. Un Article De Wikipédia, L'Encyclopédie Libre. The emir was powerless to repel those raids by himself, and had to appeal for help to the British who maintained a military base with a small air force at Marka, close to Amman. Revenir à la page « Émirat de Transjordanie ». [78] L'émirat De Transjordanie télécharger png sans restrictions - Le Groupe Emirates Airline Airbus A380 Écossais Junior Cup - L'émirat de Transjordanie,L'émirat de Transjordanie Empire Ottoman Royaume de l'Irak Révolte Arabe - de la mer morte,Royal Jordanian Armée des Forces Armées Jordaniennes de l'Émirat de Transjordanie - l'armée [76][77], When King Abdullah applied for membership in the newly formed United Nations, his request was vetoed by the Soviet Union, citing that the nation was not "fully independent" of British control. There was, indeed, no separate Mandate for Transjordan; but by a resolution of the Council of the League of Nations, passed in September 1922, at the suggestion of the British Government, certain provisions of the Mandate for Palestine were, in accordance with Article 25 of that Mandate, declared not applicable in the territory lying east of the Jordan and the Dead Sea. Because he had gained a following, the British decided to recognise his leadership in that territory and provide him with a subsidy in exchange for his not pursuing his original Damascus intentions. Les interprétations contradictoires de cette description furent par la suite sujettes à de lourdes controverses. [12] The geographical area that was later to become Transjordan was allocated to Britain. After King Faisal was forced from the throne in July 1920 by the French military, the British high commissioner of Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel, went to the town of Salt in Transjordan and declared that the territory, as had been secretly agreed by the British and French in the Sykes-Picot Agreement during World War I, was part of the British Mandatory Palestine. L'émirat de Transjordanie est établi 1922 24 juillet: Les termes du mandat sont acceptés par la Société des Nations: 10 août: La Grande-Bretagne met fin au gouvernement militaire par un décret en conseil. voir Transjordanie Émirat hachémite de Transjordanie ar إمارة شرق الأردن ar Imārāt Sharq al - Urdun 1921 1946 Palestine de l ouest et Transjordanie Entités nom.
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