tel aviv -- wikipédia
[217], In 2009, the Tel Aviv Marathon was revived after a fifteen-year hiatus, and is run annually since, attracting a field of over 18,000 runners.[218]. In 1949, a memorial to the 60 founders of Tel Aviv was constructed. Il fait partie des immeubles édifiés de 1924 à 1929 dans le style éclectique[26]. Ramat Aviv, a district in the northern part of the city that is largely made up of luxury apartments and includes Tel Aviv University, is currently undergoing extensive expansion and is set to absorb the beachfront property of Sde Dov Airport after its decommissioning. La densité de Tel Aviv est l'une des plus fortes du pays avec 8572 habitants par km² selon le Bureau central des statistiques israélien. [130] Compared with Westernised cities, crime in Tel Aviv is relatively low. In the early 1980s, 13 embassies in Jerusalem moved to Tel Aviv as part of the UN's measures responding to Israel's 1980 Jerusalem Law. During the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine, Jewish Irgun and Lehi guerrillas launched repeated attacks against British military, police, and government targets in the city. Situé dans l’ancienne ville de Jaffa, le centre Shimon Peres pour la paix (The Shimon Peres Center for Peace) a été conçu par l'architecte italien Massimiliano Fuksas, sur une commande du président Shimon Peres, comme lieu consacré à la paix. The city is also served by local and inter-city share taxis. Il présente, outre les caractéristiques morphologiques de ce style architectural, du mobilier, des luminaires et de la céramique émaillée qui s'en réclament[21]. In 2006, 51,359 children attended school in Tel Aviv, of whom 8,977 were in municipal kindergartens, 23,573 in municipal elementary schools, and 18,809 in high schools. nécessaire]. [35] Within a year, Herzl, Ahad Ha'am, Yehuda Halevi, Lilienblum, and Rothschild streets were built; a water system was installed; and 66 houses (including some on six subdivided plots) were completed. Ez a központja Izrael legnagyobb agglomerációjának, a Gush Dannak (Dan blokk), melynek teljes lakossága 3 850 400 fő. [206] More than 100 sushi restaurants, the third highest concentration in the world, do business in the city. 1950 goufe béid Stied zu Tel Aviv-Jaffa vereenegt. Once Tel Aviv received city status in the 1920s, those neighborhoods joined the newly formed municipality, now becoming separated from Jaffa. Studios of the international news channel i24news is located at Jaffa Port Customs House. Tel Aviv est aussi le centre commercial d'Israël. Ez a helyszín számos rendezvénynek adott már helyszínt, többek között koncerteknek, kiállításoknak, vásároknak és konferenciáknak is. [21][32][unreliable source] Également connue sous le nom de « la maison Rouge », la maison de Lodz (Lodzia House) est un bâtiment historique situé au 43, rue Nahmani. In 1923, Tel Aviv was the first town to be wired to electricity in Palestine, followed by Jaffa later in the same year. Le marathon de Tel Aviv se tient chaque année depuis 2009 au printemps. Friction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt led to the opening of a local Jewish port, Tel Aviv Port, independent of Jaffa, in 1938. En 2003, l'UNESCO classe plus d'un millier d'édifices Bauhaus de Tel Aviv au patrimoine mondial et 500 parmi eux sont restaurés (cf. Les premiers sionistes souhaitant créer un État hébreu plus que juif, il était surtout envisagé la construction de bâtiments liés à la modernité (lycée, université, opéra, philharmonie) mais pas au souvenir de l'Europe de l'Est (commerces et synagogues). Dans le mois qui suivent des combats violents éclatent entre les villes de Tel Aviv, incluse dans le nouvel État Juif, et les Arabes de la région. Buildings in Jaffa and the southern and eastern districts may have two and a half stories added, while those on Ibn Gabirol Street might be extended by seven and a half stories. Le chômage était de 6,9 % avant la crise. Désaffectée en 1935, elle a été transformée en résidence privée en 2013 tout en gardant son aspect extérieur originel. [57] A symptomatic article of 1980 asked "Is Tel Aviv Dying?" Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Elle se situe au sud de la ville. In April 2011, Tel Aviv municipality launched Tel-O-Fun, a bicycle sharing system, in which 150 stations of bicycles for rent were installed within the city limits. La population totale de la ville est de 451 500 habitants au 31 décembre 2018 dont environ 90 % de Juifs[39]. À l'évocation d'une influence du style de Gaudi, Léon Gaignebet répond qu'il s'est inspiré de l'entourage Art Nouveau des bouches de métro parisiennes dessinées par l'architecte Hector Guimard. [16][dubious – discuss] Tel Aviv was given "township" status within the Jaffa Municipality in 1921, and became independent from Jaffa in 1934. 40 % des emplois en finance et 25 % de l'emploi dans les services sont concentrés dans la ville, siège des deux plus grandes banques du pays : les banques Leumi et Hapoalim. 9 432 648. date. Café en terrasse dans le quartier Florentin. Le Centre combine activité socio-éducative, documentation, commémoration et opère dans tous les milieux de la société israélienne, Juifs, Arabes, Israéliens natifs et nouveaux immigrants, résidents du centre et de la périphérie, pour perpétuer la mémoire d'Yitzhak Rabin, son assassinat et inculquer les valeurs de démocratie. The immigrants were attracted to Tel Aviv because they found in it all the comforts they were used to in Europe: electric light, water, a little cleanliness, cinema, opera, theatre, and also more or less advanced schools... busy streets, full restaurants, cafes open until 2 a.m., singing, music, and dancing. (2012) What's Next for the Start up Nation? Elle permettra d'améliorer les transports publics de la ville. [146] Le stade est le foyer du club de basket-ball de la ville, Maccabi T.A[19]. La cité est surnommée « la ville sans interruption » en référence à son dynamisme et à sa population jeune, ou encore « la bulle » pour son ambiance paisible et tolérante, relativement détachée des conflits entourant l'État d'Israël. The largest area for nightclubs is the Tel Aviv port, where the city's large, commercial clubs and bars draw big crowds of young clubbers from both Tel Aviv and neighboring cities. On 1 May 1921, the Jaffa riots resulted in the deaths of 48 Arabs and 47 Jews and injuries to 146 Jews and 73 Arabs. The town was originally named Ahuzat Bayit. D’après les pronostics faits durant l’étude du projet, 100 à 120 millions de passagers par an utiliseront la ligne rouge d’ici à 2020. Conçu comme immeuble à usage commercial, il abrite aussi les ambassades du Japon et de la Suède ainsi que l'institut Goethe. During the coldest days of winter, temperatures may vary between 8 °C (46 °F) and 12 °C (54 °F). [93] The most recent suicide attack in the city occurred on 17 April 2006, when 11 people were killed and at least 70 wounded in a suicide bombing near the old central bus station. La tour fut construite en l'honneur du sultan turc Abdoul-Hamid II au début des années 1900. Other ancient sites in Tel Aviv include: Tell Qasile, Tel Gerisa, Abattoir Hill. (ar) تل أبيب - يافا.mw-parser-output{background-image:url("//")}. Various architectural styles, such as Art Deco, classical and modernist also exist in Tel Aviv. A small port was built at the Yarkon estuary, and many cafes, clubs and cinemas opened. [227], In 2014, the Sarona Market Complex opened, following an 8-year renovation project of Sarona colony.[228]. Ariel Sharon s’opposait à ce que les promoteurs puissent s’emparer du site et y construire des habitations. The first line of a light rail system is under construction and scheduled to open in 2020. [28] The flag and city arms of Tel Aviv (see above) contain under the red Star of David 2 words from the biblical book of Jeremiah: "I (God) will build You up again and you will be rebuilt." Tel Aviv is the Hebrew title of Theodor Herzl's Altneuland ("Old New Land"), translated from German by Nahum Sokolow. [135] In 2008, a center for secular Jewish studies and a secular yeshiva opened in the city. Tel Aviv-Jafo (hebr. Israeli University in Tel ... 1 référence. Tel Aviv s'étend sur 14 km le long de la côte méditerranéenne. The left wing vote is especially prevalent in the city's mostly affluent central and northern neighborhoods, though not the case for its working-class southeastern neighborhoods which tend to vote for right wing parties in national elections. En 2008, the Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) situé à Université de Loughborough a publié un classement des villes mondiales en fonction du niveau des services et de la production. By 1989, Tel Aviv had acquired the nickname "Nonstop City", as a reflection of the growing recognition of its nightlife and 24/7 culture, and "Nonstop City" had to some extent replaced the former moniker of "First Hebrew City".[59]. De nombreuses synagogues sont en rénovation et remises en service par la population soucieuse de conserver son histoire. [236] As of October 2011, there are 125 active stations, providing more than 1,000 bicycles. [127] The city has three additional railway stations along the Ayalon Highway: Tel Aviv University, HaShalom (adjacent to Azrieli Center) and HaHagana (near the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station), Tel Aviv Mercaz. Les propriétaires de taxis devraient bénéficier de subventions et d’autres incitations. Le comité national local essayera d’arrêter l’exode, notamment en imposant une taxe de départ qui sera collectée au port par les Frères Musulmans. [9][10] A "party capital" in the Middle East, it has a lively nightlife and 24-hour culture. 5 décembre 2020. Israel: Strategic Planning Unit. Bauhaus architecture was introduced in the 1920s and 1930s by German Jewish architects who settled in Palestine after the rise of the Nazis. [30][31] His vision for Tel Aviv involved peaceful co-existence with Arabs. Tel Aviv-Jaffa (héberül: תֵּל־אָבִיב-יָפוֹ) Izrael második legnagyobb városa; a Földközi-tenger partján fekszik. La Maison de la danse et du théâtre Suzanne Dellal (The Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre). The trains do not run on Saturday and the principal Jewish festivals (Rosh Hashana (2 days), Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simkhat Torah, Pessach (Passover) first and fifth days and Shavuot (Pentecost)). It is estimated that over a million passengers travel by rail to Tel Aviv monthly. 19 septembre 2002 : 6 personnes sont tuées et 70 autres sont blessées lorsqu’un terroriste fait exploser une bombe. Israel: Strategic Planning Unit. 30 juin 2010. nombre d'abonnés. Les tours Hayarkon comptent de nombreux magasins et entreprises. During the First Aliyah in the 1880s, when Jewish immigrants began arriving in the region in significant numbers, new neighborhoods were founded outside Jaffa on the current territory of Tel Aviv. [122] The city's education standards are above the national average: of its 12th-grade students, 64.4 percent are eligible for matriculation certificates. La flotte de taxis se compose d’environ 4000 à 5000 véhicules. [216] Tel Aviv also has an annual half marathon, run in 2008 by 10,000 athletes with runners coming from around the world. À l'enregistrement, vous devrez subir un interrogatoire cordial d'un membre de la compagnie. Les sirènes ont retenti pendant 2 minutes. Other parks within city limits include Charles Clore Park, Independence Park, Meir Park and Dubnow Park. [123] In 2006, 22,000 people moved to the city, while only 18,500 left,[123] and many of the new families had young children. According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), as of 2009[update] Tel Aviv's population is growing at an annual rate of 0.5 percent. L'auditorium est situé à proximité du théâtre Habimah et du pavillon Helena Rubinstein. nécessaire]. National Sport Center Tel Aviv (also Hadar Yosef Sports Center) is a compound of stadiums and sports facilities. Tall Abīb-Yāfā ) on kaupunki Keski-Israelissa Välimeren rannalla. [129] As Tel Aviv is a multicultural city, many languages are spoken in addition to Hebrew. L'université de Tel Aviv est internationalement reconnue pour son département physique et informatiques en particulier. Leaders Magazine. [49], Ben Gurion House was built in 1930–31, part of a new workers' housing development. Category:Levant Fair, Tel Aviv. [19] On 18 May 1949, Manshiya and part of Jaffa's central zone were added, for the first time including land that had been in the Arab portion of the UN partition plan. Southern Tel Aviv is considered less affluent than northern Tel Aviv with the exception of Neve Tzedek and northern and north-western Jaffa. Batey Haosef Museum specializes in Israel Defense Forces military history. Le réseau principal de bus appartient à la coopérative Dan Bus Company (en). L'attentat, perpétré durant l'. L'auditorium offre une large sélection de concerts tout au long de l'année. [85][86][87][88][89] Twenty-three civilians were killed and over 100 injured in the Tel Aviv central bus station massacre. Le contraste entre la sculpture, la verdure du parc et les bâtiments environnants, dont la plupart sont en béton armé, est absolu. Dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, l'architecture de la ville se développe par son dynamisme économique et culturel, notamment par la construction de tours (la tour Shalom Meir en 1965) et de gratte-ciels[7]. [76][77] Three women were killed by a Hamas terrorist in the Café Apropo bombing on 27 March 1997. Maccabi "FOX" Tel Aviv (em hebraico: "מ.כ. Universitat Tel-Aviv (hebr. Located in the neighbouring city of Lod, it handled over 20 million passengers in 2017. Tel Aviv a 4 gares ferroviaires le long de l'autoroute Ayalon reliées par une ligne de train. Tel Aviv is home to different architectural styles that represent influential periods in its history. [214] Meanwhile, the beaches of Tel Aviv provide a vibrant Matkot (beach paddleball) scene. The Tel Aviv Central railway station is the main railway station of the city, and the busiest station in Israel. In the 1960s, this architectural style gave way to office towers and a chain of waterfront hotels and commercial skyscrapers. Razprostira se na 52 km² površine in šteje 405.000 prebivalcev. [55][176] The Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center is home of the Israeli Opera, where Plácido Domingo was house tenor between 1962 and 1965, and the Cameri Theatre. [19] On 10 December 1948, the government announced the annexation to Tel Aviv of Jaffa's Jewish suburbs, the Palestinian neighborhood of Abu Kabir, the Arab village of Salama and some of its agricultural land, and the Jewish 'Hatikva' slum. In Jaffa, the Simta and Notzar theatres specialize in fringe as well. Universitat Tel-Aviv (hebr. Après la guerre, les réfugiés palestiniens seront interdits de retour à Jaffa et la ville est annexée. The first was Neve Tzedek, founded in 1887 by Mizrahi Jews due to overcrowding in Jaffa and built on lands owned by Aharon Chelouche. "[27] The urban planning for the new city was influenced by the garden city movement. C’est en conséquence une enclave arabe au milieu de territoires sous le contrôle du Yishouv. (2006) The Strategic Plan for Tel Aviv Yafo. By the time Tel Aviv was founded as a separate city during Ottoman rule of the region, Jaffa had been ruled by the Canaanites, Egyptians, Philistines, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Phoenicians, Ptolemies, Seleucids, Hasmoneans, Romans, Byzantines, the early Islamic caliphates, Crusaders, Ayyubids, and Mamluks before coming under Ottoman rule in 1515. According to the plan, large numbers of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings at least 18 stories tall would be built in the entire area between Ibn Gabirol Street and the eastern city limits, as part of the master plan's goal of doubling the city's office space to cement Tel Aviv as the business capital of Israel. Alexander Levy, Designer of the Pagoda House in Tel Aviv. The first water well was later dug at this site, located on what is today Rothschild Boulevard, across from Dizengoff House. Ben Gurion is the main hub of El Al, Arkia, Israir Airlines and Sun D'Or. La coopérative Egged Bus, deuxième plus grande compagnie de bus au monde, a aussi un réseau de bus dans la ville[34]. [28] In 1915 a census of Tel Aviv was conducted, recording a population 2,679. The town had rapidly become an attraction to immigrants, with a local activist writing:[39]. The municipality invested two million shekels in the project. [122] The age profile is relatively even, with 22.2 percent aged under 20, 18.5 percent aged 20–29, 24 percent aged 30–44, 16.2 percent aged between 45 and 59, and 19.1 percent older than 60. 15 metros ibabaw sa dagat kahaboga ang nahimutangan sa Tel Aviv, ug adunay 250,000 ka molupyo. It also houses the Olympic Committee of Israel and the National Athletics Stadium with the Israeli Athletic Association. Tel Aviv est le centre économique et financier du pays. Maccabi Tel Aviv Sports Club was founded in 1906 and competes in more than 10 sport fields. De 1955 à 1974, des fouilles archéologiques ont révélé la présence ancienne de fortifications datant de l'âge du Bronze moyen. If East Jerusalem is considered part of Israel, Tel Aviv is the country's second most populous city after Jerusalem; if not, Tel Aviv is the most populous city before West Jerusalem.[a]. Tel Aviv-Jaffa (hepr. [190], Tel Aviv is known as "the city that never sleeps" and a "party capital" due to its thriving nightlife, young atmosphere and famous 24-hour culture. One of the society's goals was to form a "Hebrew urban centre in a healthy environment, planned according to the rules of aesthetics and modern hygiene. Along nearby Shlavim Street, passing between Jaffa and south Tel Aviv, office buildings up to 25 stories will line both sides of the street, which will be widened to accommodate traffic from the city's southern entrance to the center. Ce vendredi soir, un anniversaire y était organisé pour Yaron et ses amis étaient venus des 4 coins d’Israël. However, having been reelected as mayor, Huldai and the Tel Aviv 1 list lead the coalition, which controls 29 of 31 seats. Tel Aviv's LGBT community is the subject of Eytan Fox's 2006 film The Bubble. Before that, Tel Aviv had had a generally low-rise skyline. [101], Israeli Air Force F-16I Sufas over Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Dolphinarium, demolished in 2018, site of the 2001 Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing, in which 21 Israelis, mostly teenagers, were killed. [102] Because of the expansion of Tel Aviv and the Gush Dan region, absolute borders between Tel Aviv and Jaffa and between the city's neighborhoods do not exist. Les trains ne circulent pas le vendredi soir et le samedi ainsi que les jours fériés. Le patrimoine architectural Bauhaus de la ville (il existe un musée dédié), tombant jusque-là dans un relatif oubli, est revitalisé à partir des années 1990 grâce au diplomate et collectionneur d'art Ronald Lauder, qui rénove la maison Shlomo Yafe[Qui ? A new elementary school is planned north of Sde Dov as well as a new high school in northern Tel Aviv.[123]. In 1946, following the King David Hotel bombing, the British carried out Operation Shark, in which the entire city was searched for Jewish militants and most of the residents questioned, during which the entire city was placed under curfew. Il compte 80 stations et 750 vélos[35]. تَل أبيب-يَافَا – Tal Abíb-Jáfá), často skrátene Tel Aviv, je mesto v Izraeli, ležiace na pobreží Stredozemného mora.Je súčasťou najväčšej a najľudnatejšej aglomerácie v Izraeli, známej ako Guš Dan.Žije tu okolo 380 000 obyvateľov, v … 21 novembre 2012 : une explosion dans un bus en face du ministère de la défense fait 28 blessés, dont trois graves. (2006) The Strategic Plan for Tel Aviv Yafo. [219] Several radio stations cover the Tel Aviv area, including the city-based Radio Tel Aviv.[220]. egy izraeli labdarúgócsapat, amely az első osztályban szerepel. [176], The Tel Aviv Cinematheque screens art movies, premieres of short and full-length Israeli films, and hosts a variety of film festivals, among them the Festival of Animation, Comics and Caricatures, "Icon" Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, the Student Film Festival, the Jazz, Film and Videotape Festival and Salute to Israeli Cinema. [162] By 1936, as tens of thousands of middle class immigrants arrived from Europe, Tel Aviv was already the largest city in Palestine. Summer low temperatures in Tel Aviv seldom drop below 20 °C (68 °F). Wikipédia en russe. Elle parcourra les secteurs les plus denses de la région métropolitaine et servira un nombre de passagers importants comparé aux futures lignes qui devraient être construites dans le cadre du réseau de transport NTA. [61], In the 1990s, the decline in Tel Aviv's population began to be reversed and stabilized, at first temporarily due to a wave of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Geddes's plan for developing the northern part of the district was based on Ebenezer Howard's garden city movement. Many offbeat museums and galleries operate in the southern areas, including the Tel Aviv Raw Art contemporary art gallery.[210][211]. All Israeli citizens over the age of 18 with at least one year of residence in Tel Aviv are eligible to vote in municipal elections. Tel Aviv-Jaffa (hebrejsky תֵּל-אָבִיב-יָפוֹ , arabsky تل أبيب , Tal Abīb), obvykle jen Tel Aviv (doslova Jarní Pahorek), je druhé největší izraelské město s přibližně 452 tisíci obyvateli. La route principale d'accès à Tel Aviv s'appelle l'autoroute Ayalon. Au sommet de la butte, il y aura un petit coin de paradis et un lac. [32][unreliable source] In 1926, the country's first shopping arcade, Passage Pensak, was built there. [19] The name of the unified city was Tel Aviv until 19 August 1950, when it was renamed Tel Aviv-Yafo in order to preserve the historical name Jaffa. When Israel declared Independence on 14 May 1948, the population of Tel Aviv was over 200,000. M. Gorion (Wager), Introduction to the History of Local Government in Israel (Jerusalem: University of Tel Aviv, 1957), pp.184–5 [Hebrew]. Son style architectural est à l'opposé du style Bauhaus omniprésent à Tel Aviv. Cette population est estimée à environ 50 000 personnes. A master plan for the Tel Aviv township was created by Patrick Geddes, 1925, based on the garden city movement. Other notable projects included the construction of Marganit Tower in 1987, the opening of the Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater in 1989, and the Tel Aviv Cinematheque (opened in 1973 and located to the current building in 1989). Industries in Tel Aviv include chemical processing, textile plants and food manufacturers. (2013) The City in Numbers. Tel Aviv oli Israelin pääkaupunki vuosina 1948–1950, jolloin pääkaupunki siirrettiin Jerusalemiin.Kaikki maat eivät kuitenkaan ole siirrosta tunnustaneet. New opening target: 2016", Now it's final? Two rowing clubs operate in Tel Aviv. Établi en 1932, le musée des arts de Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv Museum of Art) est le centre culturel le plus important du pays, recélant une impressionnante collection d'art moderne et accueillant plus d'un demi-million de visiteurs par an. Since then, high-tech industry in the Tel Aviv area has continued to develop. The Second Aliyah led to further expansion. 6 juillet 1989 : 14 personnes sont tuées lorsqu’un terroriste précipite un autobus dans un ravin sur l’autoroute Jérusalem-Tel Aviv. Wikipédia:WikiProjekt Česko-slovenská Wikipédia/Preložené články/2016-04/Galéria; Biele Mesto; Verwendung auf Vita staden, Tel Aviv; Verwendung auf Біле Місто (Тель-Авів) Verwendung auf Thành phố Trắng (Tel Aviv) Verwendung auf 特拉维夫白城 [19], Immigration by mostly Jewish refugees meant that the growth of Tel Aviv soon outpaced that of Jaffa, which had a majority Arab population at the time. Under this plan, road users traveling into the city would pay a fixed fee.[233]. Elle est située juste au Sud de Tel-Aviv et a été attribuée aux Arabes par le Plan de partage[10]. תל אביב-יפו - Tel Aviv-Jafo, t.j. doslova Tel Aviv - Jaffa; arab. Un nouveau bâtiment, conçu par l'architecte américain Preston Scott Cohen, est venu agrandir le musée en 2009[20]. [122] Sixty-four percent of students in the city are entitled to matriculation, more than 5 percent higher than the national average. [116][117][118] The Tel Aviv City Hall is located at Rabin Square. La municipalité de Tel Aviv a inscrit le domaine sur la liste du patrimoine à préserver. Neuf personnes sont tuées et 68 sont blessées. It's 1935", Unemployment rate at historic low in Q4 2011, "GaWC – The World According to GaWC 2016", "Tel Aviv named 2nd best high-tech center – Israel Business, Ynetnews", "Tel Aviv ranks 2nd in innovation – Israel Business, Ynetnews", "McCartney wows fans with historic Israel concert", "Depeche Mode to kick off next world tour in Israel", "Tel Aviv municipality to run free Shabbat buses to Eurovision", "Results of the Knight Frank Global Cities Survey", "Tel Aviv ranked world's 3rd hottest city for 2011", "World's Best Awards 2011 – Africa and the Middle East", Huldai proud of Tel Aviv winning best gay city of 2011, "Tel Aviv emerges as top gay tourist destination", "Roberto Cavalli Shows Spring 2012 Collection at First Ever Tel Aviv Fashion Week", "200,000 Israelis, Tourists Take Part in Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade", "Tel Aviv recruits gay athletes for 2009 World Outgames", "Tasting Tel Aviv, Israel's culinary capital", "10,000 athletes to run in Tel Aviv half marathon", "Thousands sport sneakers for Tel Aviv marathon", "Tel Aviv goes dark as part of global 'Earth Hour' campaign", "Tel Aviv launches water saving campaign", Recycling in Israel, Not Just Trash, but the Whole Dump, "Sarona: From Templers, to Nazis, government, terror and, hopefully, to tranquility", "Facets of the Israeli Economy – Transportation", "Israel Treasury: We decided to take the light rail from Leveiev. nécessaire]. [205] In addition, Tel Aviv hosts an annual LGBT Film festival. [92] Hamas and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed joint responsibility. À l'est, elle est séparée de Giv'atayim et de Ramat Gan, siège de la bourse du diamant, par l'autoroute Ayalon, qui longe la rivière du même nom. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Vista de Tel Aviv de nuèch. Elle est également le siège de nombreuses ambassades, Jérusalem n'étant pas reconnue internationalement comme capitale du pays. D’autres pistes pour réduire la pollution sont à l’étude. In December 2012, the city was ranked second on a list of top places to found a high tech startup company, just behind Silicon Valley. Les tours Azrieli sont un ensemble de trois tours, une tour circulaire (Circular Azrieli Tower) de 187 m et 49 étages, encadrée d'une tour triangulaire (Triangular Azrieli Tower) de 169 m et 46 étages et d'une tour carrée (Square Azrieli Tower) de 154 m et 42 étages. importé du projet Wikimédia. Sa kasadpan, dagat ang pinakaduol sa Tel Aviv. En 1931, la troupe s’installe définitivement à Tel Aviv et en 1935 la construction du théâtre Habimah commence. [153] American journalist David Kaufman reported in New York magazine that since Tel Aviv "was named a UNESCO World Heritage site, gorgeous historic buildings from the Ottoman and Bauhaus era have been repurposed as fabulous hotels, eateries, boutiques, and design museums. Today, the city is regarded as a strong candidate for global city status. [179], The city often hosts international musicians at venues such as Yarkon Park, Expo Tel Aviv, the Barby Club, the Zappa Club and Live Park Rishon Lezion just south of Tel Aviv. L'aéroport international David-Ben-Gourion (code TLV) se situe à 20 kilomètres environ au sud-est du centre-ville, près de la ville de Lod, à proximité de l'autoroute 1 sur la route de Jérusalem. La ville de Jaffa, elle-même, est mentionnée pour la première fois dans des textes égyptiens qui relatent sa conquête en 1470 av. [150][151] As Tel Aviv celebrated its centennial in 2009,[152] the city attracted a number of architects and developers, including I. M. Pei, Donald Trump, and Richard Meier. Current plans call for the merger to take place in 2023 after a few years' preparation. [166][167], Tel Aviv is home to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), Israel's only stock exchange, which has reached record heights since the 1990s. C'est le premier immeuble de tel Aviv à avoir été équipé d'un ascenseur[25]. [55] Construction activity had moved away from the inner ring of Tel Aviv, and had moved to its outer perimeter and adjoining cities. [115] Huldai was reelected for a fifth term in the 2018 municipal elections, defeating former deputy Asaf Zamir, founder of the Ha’Ir party. It's 1935", "Back to the future: Everything's up to date in Tel Aviv. The goal was to make Florentin the Soho of Tel Aviv, and attract artists and young professionals to the neighborhood. Depuis sa création en 1909, Tel Aviv avait pour ambition de devenir le centre du renouveau de la culture hébraïque moderne dans un premier temps puis le précurseur de la culture israélienne par la suite : de nombreux journaux, les premières écoles hébraïques ainsi que de nombreux centres culturels et théâtres célèbres y sont nés. La structure est entourée du Parc de la Paix. Elle concentre 15 % de l'emploi et 17 % du PIB israélien (estimé à 201 milliards de dollars en 2008 par Je največje in najgosteje poseljeno mesto obalne regije. Wikipédia (48 entrées) modifier. The first suicide attack in Tel Aviv occurred on 19 October 1994, on the Line 5 bus, when a bomber killed 22 civilians and injured 50 as part of a Hamas suicide campaign. [237] It contains Ichilov Hospital, the Ida Sourasky Rehabilitation Center, Lis Maternity and Women's Hospital, and Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital. Les vols intérieurs se font généralement à partir de l'aéroport Sdé Dov, situé au nord de la Tel Aviv. [149] However, the towers were not concentrated in certain areas, and were scattered at random locations throughout the city, creating a disjointed skyline.
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